Because a congressman takes the same amount of ability as a mcdonalds drive through worker. While I agree that elected representatives should not be able to vote their own pay increases, its blithering nonsense like this comment that will continue to make things worse.
How do you pay for this? The congressional raises alone are a bit ridiculous.
I also would like to see the budget attached to their pay in some way. When the gov’t is shut down, they should go without a paycheck. When the gov’t goes over budget, the representatives get charged a portion of the overage to limit the impact on “We the People”.
Honestly I believe there salary should depend on there job performance based of what there constituents feel for the people they represent, after all we are the ones that hired them, so we should be the ones to decide what there salary should be, no different if we was working for them, they would tell us what our salary’s would be.
Some People Say, Term Limits take Good People Away.
If they are so good they can run for a different position to keep the pot stirred.
They get too comfortable with the connections they made out of their position they were elected to represent.
It gives way, for New Shinning Stars to Come In.
Why subject the Nation to a vote for Bob Bureaucrat’s pay. The State elected representatives should be employed by the State and have NO federal compensation. State buys a residence in DC for their representative, like the Governor’s mansion, pays their salary, all other expenses, and if they want a raise, they go to their employers, the people of the area they represent and ask for it. The state also pays for staffers. I do not care what California or New York pays their representatives, as long as they tax their own residents to pay for it. If a lower paid representative from a small state wants to make more, move to a higher paying state and run for office their, like real people.
The DNC is a private corporation wholly owned by BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard (private investment banks that own each other), functioning as the public-facing organization for those 3 private investment banks. Those banks own 88% of the 500 largest corporations who in turn own almost all publicly traded corporations and scores of private corporations. Private corporations can do whatever they want and the DNC is no exception. In the DNC’s case, they do what BlackRock tells them. The DNC employs thousands of lawyers across the planet to destabilize governments and install their own corrupt “leaders”. In Our case, the corrupt leaders are the agency heads of every major agency, particularly our Health, Food, and Drug agencies in order to serve the interests of BlackRock, not you and me.
The DNC is obligated to “*protect their shareholders and protect against tortious conduct like misrepresentation, not fundamental rights secured by the constitution.” If you read the link above, that’s from sworn testimony in a court of law regarding the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders in 2016. When someone tells a court what they are and what they do, it’s a fact not open to interpretation. Dems are officially employees of the DNC. That’s how our Dem reps have become wealthy when they are elected, and that’s why they are so out of touch. They never bite the hand that feeds them. If Kennedy accomplishes just 25% of his MAHA initiatives that will cost BlackRock $2 trillion per year.