This policy would be to (a) replace Social Security and provide incentives for elderly parents to live with their children, and to be able to allow adding (b) all family members to to insurance policies.
(a) replacing social social security with a incentive that would go to the children that are housing their elderly parent. As in a form of a monthly tax break. To offer the increase in income to the house hold to cover the cost of housing the parent, with this option. Doing this will do 2 other benifits, first would open up the housing g market to more homes, due to benifits to having bigger houses. The second would have an adult that is not tied to the responsibility of full time working, which would help with watching the children in the house hold reducing cost to pay for child care.
(b) with adding the family members other than dependants would help with compotiion among insurance companies providing discounts the more family members you have on your policy. Doing this would help reduce costs to the house hold.