Radical terrorist groups since 1948 have largely been funded by the CIA. Iran-Contra, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, etc. all were CIA proxy armies to forward US neo-imperialism/Communist Containment.
There was actually great international cooperation between Western Protestant Monarchies and the Ottoman Caliphate pre WW1. An almost complete lack of terrorist groups. Islamic Terrorism wasn’t concurrent until the 1970s, with the Soviet-Afghan War.
Yes, per the definition at Geneva, the ethnic cleanse of Jews from Islamic countries would be considered genocide. The debate lies in what could be considered an ‘expulsion’ vs. an ‘exodus’ due to Arabic internal policy.
The definition implys that Ethnic Cleansing is a Crime against Humanity, and the methods used to achieve said actions fall under the conditions outlined for Genocide.
But The genocides carried out by each religious group is irrelevant to our conversation in terms of US legislation. What does matter is holding every group accountable, for their creeds and actions at face value, while upholding our own values. I’ve only supported the equal treatment of religious groups.
Please state, text for text, how the moral equivalencies between Sharia Law and Deuteronomy are invalid instead of screaming that I’m incorrect like CNN or a democrat panel.
Eagans’s suggestion above outlined that ‘any religious structure’ was subject to enforcement of this policy proposal, which would then encompass more than just Sharia Law. → My whole arguement being that the policy should be geared towards all religious groups, rather than a singular group, because restricting a single group from practicing what they perceive as a religion is Unconstitutional. You see? I simply wanted your proposal to encompass all religious courts and groups rather than just one, because like I said above, even an enforced Bible-Oath is Unconstitutional per the 1st Amendment.
As used in this act, “court” means any court, board, administrative agency, or other adjudicative or enforcement authority of this State.
As used in this Act, “religious organization” means any church, seminary, synagogue, temple, mosque, religious order, religious corporation, association, or society, whose identity is distinctive in terms of common religious creed, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals, of any faith or denomination, including any organization qualifying as a church or religious organization under section 501(c)(3) or 501(d) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
[2] Any court, arbitration, tribunal, or administrative agency ruling or decision shall violate the public policy of this State and be void and unenforceable if the court, arbitration, tribunal, or administrative agency bases its rulings or decisions in the matter at issue in whole or in part on any law, legal code or system that would not grant the parties affected by the ruling or decision the same fundamental liberties, rights, and privileges granted under the U.S. and [State] Constitutions, including but not limited to due process, freedom of religion, speech, or press, and any right of privacy or marriage as specifically defined by the constitution of this state.
^ This is what I was asking for, to single out one religious group is were you steep into ‘prejudice’. So to avoid that, I wanted the inclusion of all religion with abhorrent dark age creeds.
Restriction of Sharia Law = Subversion of the 1st Amendment
Restrictions on All Religious Legal Structures = Upholding the Supremacy Clause/Constitution