Politicians on the left love allowing mass-shootings to happen to justify their anti-Constitutional stances.
I once proposed the idea of metal detectors (wand) and bag checks carried out by police at all high school and college building entrances (like they do in many inner-city schools to prevent guns from entering) and police present at all elementary and middle school entrances to a Democrat state that was asking the public for ideas and the response they gave was that it “won’t work”.
This was not too long after Sandy Hook.
Liberal ideology proved fatal for many young lives taken at schools when common sense measures could have saved them.
If these measures didn’t work, airports, courthouses, prisons, government buildings, certain schools, and large public events venues wouldn’t be using them.
Arming teachers isn’t sufficient and highschool students are strong enough to disarm them.
We want to prevent guns/shooters from entering in the first place.
What’s worse, not having been able to protect the children or not wanting to?