MAHA for Mental Health šŸ§ 

I love this post, it is comprehensive and inclusive in addressing the complexity of mental illness and failures in effective treatments.

  1. We live in a society where trauma is more prevalent than it should be causing children to wrestle with demons they are not equipped to win against. Sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse causes damage that many struggle their entire life to overcome. Too few find the resilience needed to lead healthy, fulfilling and well adjusted lives in adulthood. Itā€™s a failure of society as a whole. Sexualization assaults innocent children through a myriad of forms- school (peers), television, free rein on the internet, etc.
  2. Environmental toxicity through countless chemical exposures absolutely impacts optimal mental health.
  3. The public education system is dumbed down to the point where graduates earn degrees simply by listening and repeating what they are told, not thinking for themselves. Introducing logic as a required course is one small step in the right direction. Returning to a classical education style and challenging each student at the level they are capable is necessary for growth and nurturing the intellect.
  4. The current version of f he DSM was formulated by 70% of the board having strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Diagnostic criteria is based on insurance payouts, not mental health.
  5. Education for social workers has been high-jacked by politically motivated agendas. Diversity and inclusion courses outnumber research and evidence-based courses.
  6. The excessive use of devices by our youth is overlooked. When children spend a bulk of their childhood staring at a screen and using their thumbs, the rest of their development is arrested. Social, physical, mental and emotional development is thwarted for life. Childrenā€™s brains are smaller, they are forever limited in their capacity when they reach adulthood.
  7. We are animated by spirit, we are not alone just physical bodies. There is an absence of faith in most treatment modalities.
  8. Gender dysphoria is a condition brought about by several interconnected factors: endocrine disrupters, social conditioning, and trauma. The fact of the matter is, one can not change the outside to fix whatā€™s wrong on the inside yet, we have a strong arm of ā€œpsyienceā€ and ā€œprofessionalsā€ trying to convince the world if you ā€œchangeā€ your gender you will finally be happy. That never happens, long term. Never. A physical examination of hormones and toxicity levels should always be the first step in treating these individuals.
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