I like your idea of a works program. It would dovetail nicely with my concept.
My idea takes into account that since President Johnson’s programs, we’ve created generations of welfare dependent people. They lack critical thinking skills, impulse control and resilience to take care of themselves.
When they get into a pickle, they fall back on daddy government.
It will take three years to mentor them, train them and teach them those vital skills necessary to be a resilient person.
My program would include the counseling and training they need - it is not just a monthly stipend and “go have fun” program.
Critical thinking skills, Impulse control and resilience.
Your story suggests that you had very little support and guidance before you made your decision to go to college, when you were unmarried, with a small child and limited finances.
More taxpayer money would not have helped you gain those skills.
Name a training program that will give a person marketable skills in 6 months. You need three years of intensive mentoring and training to get a person to change their mindset and acquire skills.
What you are doing is retraining them because their parents and school system failed them.
LOL well if you’ve read my post clearly… I said regular citizens do it but not at the rates illegals do. Also, you’ve clearly never lived in a place with a high Latino population. You have no clue what goes on and how they game the system. NONE. I’ve lived with them for 20 years. They get paid in NYC to have so many amount of kids, and they move to other states when they hit the NY limit to get paid for more. Some states even have them getting paid still by NY and will allow them to get additional WELFARE from the state they moved to, so they’re double dipping. Work in the SS office for a week, and let me know how sick you get when your boss tells you to ignore the fact they’re getting funding from another state for welfare and our state will fund them too and to not ask questions about these applications, just push them through. Let me know how it goes! Let me know how they all have 4-5 kids, no jobs, but drive brand new BMW’s, Mercedes, etc and how eager they are to brag how it was all paid for by welfare. Funnily I know more families like you, who are perpetually clueless & have 0 idea what goes on outside of SuburbanMaintown, USA but you tell everyone else about things that aren’t “true” with no experience around it. Please.
If receiving government assistance, at minimum they should be held accountable for their children’s school attendance. A reduction of their funds if their child has 10 days absent from school. Decreasing as days missed increase. Holding parents accountable for parenting with the funds that are given to them.
There are some people who are truly in need. Not everyone makes a six-figure salary (and yes, we need fast food workers, daycare workers, convenient store workers who make way less money). Those households need help to live in an economy that double taxes everything and anything you buy is priced outrageously. I think there should be a time period of assistance if jobless. After that period expires, a full-time job is required if help is still needed as well as proof of income and any other information needed showing that you actually need help. If requirements aren’t met, then all assistance expires.
I disagree with everything you said because it takes a matter of hours to learn a marketable skill not years. Theres jobs like data entry and retail that take very minimal training.
Then there is things like coding and cybersecurity that also can take very little time and allow people to enter a professional career with just a certificate from say Google or Comptia. These things dont take years they take hours, maybe days.
So you’ve got a mom (usually) with five kids. Husband left and won’t pay child support. Mom can’t find a job that pays enough to cover daycare, housing, food, etc. much less get an education to better herself to stand on her feet. Limiting the amount of time she can be on welfare doesn’t fix the problem. I used to be a Director for a program called Child Care Management Services. We paid for the daycare costs of parents while they were going to college and then a bit of extra time for study or labs. These are the types of programs that help.
So if you have a rebellious teenager that keeps skipping school, you should have to keep leaving your job to go hunt them down and possibly loosing your job for absences. Kamalala started throwing parents in jail for kids missing school. How do you propose those teenagers should be managed? A stern talking to? Parents need supports. Not threats.
It’s more complicated than it sounds because many people have young children who would need daycare if their parent has a job. The cost of daycare without assistance is over $1,000 for just one child. You’re practically working to pay for working lol. The first two weeks you’re working is just to pay for the ability to go to work. Depending on your wage, this doesn’t leave you with enough to pay for bills. To make this even worse, when you get a job your food amount is decreased, your share of rent goes up. Which would be fine, but now you might only have a couple hundred dollars left over after daycare which means you’re back to not being able to afford enough food, rent or utilities. So a lot of people are in a situation where if they would you go find a job, they will lose their home. I don’t know anyone in their right mind who would do that lol
So it turns into a trap where work is ironically making you more poor, not more rich lol. It’s extremely backward and that’s why so many people are stuck on welfare and why it seems like they’re not doing anything or trying to find a job.
So on the one hand, you go more broke. If you don’t go find a job, there’s a stigma and everyone is saying you’re a leech and abusing the system, a welfare queen, etc.
Sure, there’s daycare assistance. But the copays are still multiple hundred dollars for each child. If you have more than one, it makes it unaffordable especially when you barely get child support or that child support could just end one day without an arming with no way to pay for your daycare copay. Then guess what? Can’t afford to work. If your kid gets sick at daycare (which is often) and you don’t have someone to watch them? You have to do it. You can only do this so many times before your employer fires you despite your best efforts.
It may seem like people are being lazy or just abusing the system, the truth is that most people would love to work but the cost of childcare, lack of transportation or untreated mental health makes it very difficult, if not impossible to get and keep one.
There should also be some sort of moratorium on receiving any taxpayer funded handouts for anyone coming into this country, legally or illegally. A few years at least.