It’s about time… Some states have recreational or medical use legal, while some still criminalize possession. People should be free to buy, sell, grow, smoke, make edibles, etc.
Different cannabinoids and terpenes are proven to have health benefits ranging from helping with anxiety to providing relief for chronic pain.
Marijuana is a natural remedy and should be embraced. We even have cannabinoid receptors in our brains - it’s like it was made for us to use marijuana.
A lot of the pills being pushed on patients for different ailments have dozens of side effects, whereas the worst weed can do is make you hungry, a little sleepy, a little paranoid if you overdo it.
Classifying marijuana along side heroin is insane. Release the 1000’s of patents owned by USA, INC and let’s see how we can use this plant to help people. And yes, let us grow it in our medicinal herb gardens along with garlic, chamomile, echinacea and mushrooms.
You should do more research into the subject. Even if Marijuana isn’t the worst drug in the world, neither is it nearly as harmless as its proponents like to claim.
A good place to start might be reading an Imprimis issue from 2019 on the subject.
Every “drug” isn’t always good. We have legal every day use drugs such as caffeine being the number one nationwide. Alcohol is beyond more dangerous than weed, due to a lot of reputable reasons. My guy literally lost his father due to his alcohol addiction, not by drinking and driving (even though he did that). But with the years of drinking it like water destroyed his liver and kidneys and so much more. We tried getting him help after the first incident but he didn’t want to listen to doctors or anyone. Yet it’s legal with restrictions. That’s what we should do with Marijuana. Not to mention medications, do a lot to help people but in the wrong hands or doses can do so much harm. ANY drug can be really harmful, just as much as the sun is harmful to us.
Restricting the individuals freedoms, abilities to produce, create business, and prosperity is also what is limited here. Some religions use cannabis ceremonially.
Any policy that restricts an individuals life, liberties, freedoms, or happiness should not find a home in US law. Like with everything there is risks of substance abuse, risks from smoke inhalation, and unknown unstudied adverse affects on the long term use of THC, let alone the vaccines we mandate. It is in my belief that the individual should have the right to choose what substances that they put in their body.
The manufacturing of cannabis products must be transparent, and without additives. The growth of the cannabis crop must not be restricted to corporate control, but in the hands and fields of the people. The taxation of the sale, growth, and other process of the cannabis industry must align with the Constitution; no forms of a direct tax can be placed on any part of any industry, let alone the cannabis one.