Late Term Abortion Survived

I partially agree.

I think that terminating custody after abortion will have the opposite effect. According to various stories I read of babies-born-alive, the mother was that child’s last line of defense, and witness. If you terminate her custodial rights immediately following an abortion, then you take away that child’s possible last advocate and you leave custody rights in the hands of a serial killer; you simply give these serial killers more control of what happens and less accountability to the mother.

Republicans have tried to pass the “Protect Babies Born Alive Act” however the Democrats and the pro-abortion activists claimed that this would force moms to prolong futile and invasive NICU treatments for nonviable babies, and strip mothers of the choice for “comfort care” in situations in which the baby isn’t viable. Voters have also rejected ballot measures like that because of those concerns.

In addition, we know that Trump has refused to support any abortion bans.

Given the above factors, I suggest the following alternative ideas:

  • Even if we cannot pass a federal law to ban pre-term delivery at any stage, we restrict the intentional use of feticide and post-birth infanticide against babies determined to be viable. For example, the law will not stop her from delivering/inducing birth early, but if that baby is determined viable/capable of surviving with available medical measures then the doctor is forbidden from dismembering the baby, administering the fatal digoxin shot, transacting the umbilical cord or use any method of feticide in the process of delivery. All children born alive, who are assessed to be viable and likely to survive infancy, based on available medical measures, should be mandated by law to be given that care.

I have proposed a federal exception law, that offers enforcement against doctors who delay medically necessary/life-saving treatment for pregnant women, as well as various pro-life concessions such as the one I mentioned above. Please consider it?

BTW, the first paragraph summarizes the whole idea of it, followed by a few disclaimer paragraphs and my MAHA letter. The actual content of my proposal comes after that and is much more organized/structured from there. Here it is:

RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue