The endangered species act was passed 1973 to protect wildlife under threat of extinction, and to recover them to the point that protections can safely be removed for those said species. This is also for both plants and animals. These ecosystems have and do often control diseases, predators taking out deer or rodents can limit or prevent the spread of them. When some wild predators are removed for example, deer numbers go up and increase disease risk and collisions on the road, and removing an animal species will affect the region’s way of life in one way or another. Decades before more focus on protecting wildlife from our ways was a thing, we lost Passenger Pigeons and Carolina Parakeets, and nearly lost various other animals, even the Iconic Bald Eagle and now common White-tailed deer. Pollution, habitat loss, and more contribute to threatening these animals and further damaging the balance of the land, sea, and air.
Mother nature creates all of her life and knows how to manage her creatures. The circle of life is a real thing that humans should not interfere with. Too many people who get a kick out of shooting and murdering life out in the wild use excuses to get their thrill of the sport.
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