Why did car windshields and metal melt yet nearby trees and wood did not burn? It requires a temperature of 1220 F to melt aluminum and 2700 F to melt glass. Fence posts are burned where nails are present and not elsewhere - why? Why didn’t trees catch fire, especially very flammable ones like eucalyptus, bay and pine? These fires are strangely similar to fires in Lahaina and at ground zero on 9/11. It’s time for a REAL investigation, not done by corrupt NIST or other corrupt government agencies.
Exactly. We were just talking about this while watching the video, and saying ‘what happens when metal gets put into a microwave?’ I’m glad to see that’s already been thought of.
Active Denial System - Wikipedia
" The Active Denial System (ADS ) is a non-lethal directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military,[2] designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.[3] Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray [4] since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human beings. Raytheon had marketed a reduced-range version of this technology.[5] The ADS was deployed in 2010 with the United States military in the Afghanistan War, but was withdrawn without seeing combat.[6] On August 20, 2010, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department announced its intent to use this technology to control incarcerated people in the Pitchess Detention Center in Los Angeles, stating its intent to use it in “operational evaluation” in situations such as breaking up prisoner fights.[7] As of 2014, the ADS was only a vehicle-mounted weapon, though U.S. Marines and police were both working on portable versions.[8] ADS was developed under the sponsorship of the Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapons Program with the Air Force Research Laboratory as the lead agency.[9][10] In 2014, there were reports that Russia[11] and China were developing their own versions of the Active Denial System.[12]"
Well, that was super easy to find. No ‘conspiracy theory’ claims available here, directed energy weapons do exist.
How difficult would it be to amp it up a little bit?
I wonder if there’s any way to determine a trajectory. It might be very informative to determine if there’s any evidence of a direction that would fit with a directed energy weapon.
It is really suspect that in those photos, not only are the trees standing but in a lot of areas there’s even standing tinder, like that tumbleweed looking bush in the first photo directly behind the burned nails. There are areas where the grass/tinder burned and that’s normal looking, but when even the tinder didn’t burn, there’s really something up with that. Can’t do high temp and not catch the tinder on fire… unless maybe the high temp was very brief? Which is really not normal for a natural wild fire.
Also possibly suspect is, looking at photo three, is how uniformly the grass burned. That could be normal but maybe not. No damp places, no sheltered spots that didn’t burn as much. It looks almost smooth. Maybe that’s nothing or maybe it’s simply an effect of the photo.
But the temperatures needed to melt glass and aluminum blocks but not burning the trees… and trees burned on the inside only???
Yeah we’re weird for thinking that’s suspect. Sure.
and wood burned only around the nails, over and over… that’s not normal at all.
The barbed wire seemed to not burn the wood around it? Is it a different metal or perhaps simply not enough mass to have the same effect?
Common fence post nails are made from the following metals1234:
- Stainless steel
- Coated metal
- Aluminum
- Hot-dipped galvanized
- Spiral or ring-shank nails for heavy-duty applications.
Barbed wire fence material typically includes1:
- High-tensile steel wire
Galvanized steel or stainless steel
Barbed wire fence staples are typically made from galvanized steel or stainless steel24. They are hammered into wooden fence posts to hold fencing or barbed wire in place2.
Some staples are made from zinc-coated high tension steel wire or zinc and aluminum alloy steel wire
So aluminum nails and steel barbed wire and staples seems plausible.
I don’t know if that would make a difference or if the two materials react differently in microwave, if that’s the kind of wave we’re dealing with… hm. Just throwing it out there.
Looking again at those photos today, especially the third one with the ground blackened, the houses burnt to white ash but the trees still standing and even a little green… the scenario that comes to mind that seems to fit the residual physical evidence is if there was an intense sudden heat that burned the houses to ash very quickly. The blackened ground- I’d love to see better images of that. If the ground itself is getting burned, like if an energy weapon was used on the whole area, wide beam, then why are some photos, like the second image, having fire evidence but unblackened earth?
Given that the houses and structures seem uniformly burned to the ground with white ash, were photos like these fence posts that were partially burned on the edge of the area? The edge zone of these fires might be really informative to look at. The shape of the edge of the fire, meaning where the burned places and unburned places meet, might be informative as to what kind of fire is going on. The little bit of edgeline I can see makes me think of a grass fire that petered out on its own. Really not an expert on that (or anything else) but someone else might know.
Looking at photo four of the melted cars, if one looks closely, there’s even a tiny bush at the foot of a little tree on the right of the photo that seems intact. It’s like a car legth away from melted glass. So, this fire melted glass but didn’t take out a less than knee height, foot wide bush? The leaves or needles (can’t see which) are still on these trees, and none of the trees are thick. Sometimes a big thick tree will get through a forest fire simply by having enough mass- if you’ve ever been making a camp fire you know you can light all the tinder (grasses and pine needles etc.) you want under a big log and it won’t burn. You have to have added kindling, as in smaller twigs and then smaller branches, and get a small fire established before you can put logs on it or it will burn out before the logs ever catch fire. They’ll char but not burn. These little trees don’t have that excuse. There’s even an intact little sapling, no bigger than a stick.
The scenario that makes the most sense to me so far from these photos is if there was something that cause brief, extremely intense heat on the cars and houses and nails, burning them to the ground quickly, the brief extreme heat then causing residual grass fires that didn’t do much damage in themselves. Didn’t even burn up a sapling.
‘An energy weapon’ sounds all Sci-Fi and therefore crazy (my cultural brain washing is still intact I guess) but that doesn’t mean that it is crazy. ‘Sounds like’ and ‘is’ are not the same thing. They’re openly admitting to the technology of weaponized microwaves. Given how metal reacts in a microwave , which everyone who forgot a spoon in their bowl in their household microwave has seen for themselves… it’s really not a stretch to think the evidence at hand seems to imply an origin that fits with something of that nature being the cause.
The real issue is people being reluctant to believe someone might do something with such an intent and malice… and that no one ‘in charge’ is stopping it. Such an obviously not-okay occurrence couldn’t be so very openly and repeatedly being intentionally done or else our government and those who know more and better than the rest of us would have noticed and stopped them… right?
If the intent of allowing this is to backhandedly undermine our confidence that the government is taking care of us in furtherance of the demoralizing of our nation… well then gold star for you, whoever you are. That works, except on the people who are determined to ignore the possibilities until their house burns down too, I guess.
What times we live in.
When the Paradise Fires occurred in CA several years ago, I looked through the pictures of the cars, houses, and trees and immediately knew that these fires were started by powerful microwaves. I posted this idea on Facebook at the time, suggesting that others investigate the re-bars within the concrete slabs of the houses to look for severe overheating (the metal creates a rainbow-like sheen in cross-sections and the ribs of the re-bar would be warped. All conductive metals within the homes, down to the electrical wiring and the nails in the wood become super-heated (like a spoon in a microwave) and start the surrounding fire in the wood in which they are nailed. This is why the fire is so hot and thorough, leaving nothing but white ash. The crumbly concrete is also a signature of high energy. Organic matter on the other hand, does not conduct/resonate energy, which is why the trees are not affected (unless the microwave exposure is of long duration - in which case, the interior of the tree heats up faster than the outside (microwave ovens cook food similarly from the inside out) and can cause trees to burn in a similar fashion as seen in some photos.
These fires are results of directed wide-area microwave energy weapons. Our military already has them available as airplaine-nose-mounted weapons. A few seconds under this beam and a regular nail can glow red-hot, even from several football fields away. Imagine what a few thousand nails in a house would do to the wood around them. The nails transfer the microwave energy into the wood. Imagine a thousand tiny blowtorches (super-heated nails) all over a house frame, glowing at the same time. Even more, imagine all of those roofing nails with big round heads heating up the shingles and lighting them up across the entire roof (shingles are nothing more than squares of pressed tar - which is a flammable petroleum fuel). I was convinced this was how it worked even since the Paradise fires, when I saw the unnaturally melted metal and completely burnt (white ash, completely devoid of black charred wood) home sites. And I think your answer to the barbed wire not heating the wood is for this reason: barbed wire is composed of high tensile strength steel (which is a very efficient energy conductor). When stretched out from post to post, it creates somewhat of a heat sink with a lot of surface area opened to the air between the posts. When microwave crosses the wire, the heat generated within is quickly transferred laterally up and down the line and through the splayed prongs, offering a large amount of surface area to dump that energy back off into the surrounding air; therefore it never gets terribly hot in any single area (ie: on the wooden fence post). Since nails and staples are embedded in wood, and mostly not exposed to the elements, most of the energy is transferred into the wood, charring or light it up as fuel. . This is a dead giveaway that the nail is being used as the conduit for the energy eventually transferred to the wood. Even lasers cannot transfer energy like that to a nail head from a great distance – only microwaves can accomplish this feat of physics. It is undeniable proof of microwave heating. Said another way: MICROWAVE HEATING IS NOT ‘A WILDFIRE’. And microwave emitters are man-made, making the fire ‘man-made’. You locate the microwave weapon; you’ll find your arsonist.
These peculiar fire events are also conveniently located in places where the World Economic Forum has designated “Smart Cities” to be built. This is beyond coincidence…this is intentional destruction. All one has to do is watch the many ways that corporations and local governments attempt to legally purchase the properties, or flat out confiscate them under some foolish excuse (like insurance or communal service or something), in order to put the puzzle pieces together and realize that this was planned out years before in order to confiscate the properties for their own use; and that these fires are but a single phase of a multi-step plan to establish Smart Cities or claim geological minerals (like lithium and other ores) in said targeted locations, at the expense of those who actually own the properties.
Hope this helps add another perspective on what is possibly happening to these homes when exposed to wide-angle streams of intense microwave energy from low-flying weaponized aircraft.
Image note: Although they call the weapon an “electromagnetic weapon” it is used to denote energy wave weapons of ANY frequency in the spectrum, from long-waves, to radio waves, shortwaves, light waves, and even microwaves.