This sounds good, but where I live, there are multiple hospitals within an hour and a half away. If we want to go to a different hospital that has better treatment or doctors, we would be locked into one hospital unless the money was transferred over to the hospital of our choice.
YES!! My doctor thinks I need a medication and my insurance company gets to play God and decide if my heath and life get to be extended or cut short due to the health issues I suffer from.
Please check out the ban I posted for patient access to prescribed treatment act. I absolutely agree that a medical profession with your child’s best interest should take priority over a medical profession with an insurance companies best interest $.
Just another proven reason as to why our health insurance system needs a overhaul!! Too many people are being denied for much needed health care. Or have to jump through hoops to get the minimal services. Our PCP has had to change my husband’s asthma medications 3 times this year alone due to insurance issues. Just not fair we struggle so much.
Agreed!! I work in healthcare. I see it everyday. Insurance and hospitals rule who gets what!! It is crazy and very scary.
By tippinsights Editorial Board • 17 Dec 2024
MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the “Obamacare Architect,” said in an explosive video that the bill was cleverly written to cheat Congress - “to ensure that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) did not score the Obamacare mandate as taxes. If the CBO scores the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” Gruber went on to argue that “the lack of transparency was a huge political advantage.”
Had the public been educated about the actual architecture of Obamacare—that a vast pool of healthy people pays into it to subsidize an enormous array of mandated benefits, including mental health counseling, for a relatively few—the bill would never have passed. But President Obama, working closely with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, bribed, cajoled, and even cheated to get the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010. The bribe happened when Obamacare benefits (premium subsidies, Medicaid expansion, cost-sharing reductions, and pre-existing conditions protections) were rolled out immediately - first to hook Americans into the program - with the costs (higher taxes, individual mandates, and employer mandates)) kicking in much later.
Fourteen years later, excessive government mandates to micromanage benefits have lowered competition among insurers, just like unrealistic mandates from the Dodd-Frank legislation after the 2008 financial crisis legitimized the creation of the “Too Big To Fail” banks. The five largest insurers - UnitedHealth, Kaiser Permanente, Anthem, Centene, and Humana - control 40% of the market.
Insurers dominate geographic regions by skillfully dividing up locations, and in some heavily populated areas, a single provider serves more than 50% of the market. The so-called “Healthcare Marketplace” is a joke. A family of two relatively healthy non-smokers on an Obamacare Bronze Plan can end up paying nearly $1,500 a month in premiums, with federal subsidies of almost $900 lowering the cost to the couple. But the entire $1,500 a month goes to the insurer. When it is time for the couple to claim benefits, they have to fulfill exorbitant deductibles amounting to $15,000 per annum. Plus, there are co-pays. In effect, insurers collect nearly $35,000 each year before paying out a single dollar in claims.
In 2023, UnitedHealth Group’s revenue grew to $371.6 billion, an increase of 14.6% from 2022. Full-year 2023 earnings from operations were $32.4 billion, an increase of 13.8%. Net earnings in 2023 increased to $22.3 billion, compared to $22.1 billion in 2022.
The Left engineered the creation of bureaucratic monopolies in the healthcare industry obsessed with regulating products and an addiction to deficit spending, throwing money away to keep the Obamacare boondoggle alive. The Left has no moral standing to protest high prices and poor service and denied claims for a vast majority of people - because they caused the problem.
Unfortunately, the “You break it, you pay for it,” store axiom doesn’t apply in America. The Left breaks it; all of America pays for it.
Obamacare has to be ended. It is, as most Americans knew to would be, a scam for government control of our lives and FACIST collusion with companies who care nothing about our health.
I agree 100%. The insurance companies are not doctors and we pay a lot of money monthly for the insurance. If a doctor prescribes it, it should be covered by insurance, at least 80% covered.