Hold Government Accountable

Hold government agencies and it’s employees and politicians accountable when they break the law. For too many years and too many scandals, the American public has not had any real recourse against government agencies and government employees who break the law. Either judges side with the government or judges and Congress slow walk hearings and trials until the statute of limitations have expired.

Citizen’s tax money pays for the government to “investigate” itself and many times, costing we, the tax payers, millions of dollars resulting in

judgements for the government agencies and it’s employees and against the tax paying citizens. This must come to an end!

We need independent investigators and watch dogs to investigate what our government is doing. The independent investigators must have equal rights, priveledges and investigative authority as the government. If wrong doing or unlawful acts are found by the independent investigators, the government employee or agency must be tried by jury.

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If those in government who break the law faced real consequences, I believe we would have far less corruption. Right now, those who commit insider trading, perjury, sexual harassment, grift and larger swindles–crimes that regular people would face jail time for—get away with it. There should not be a two-tiered system of justice.

Things like this need to stop: x.com


I agree. I’m not sure how we do it, but it is obvious that many, many politicians and government employees use their powers to flout the laws the rest of us are held accountable to.

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