I think there should be a jury of 12 in the community that do all the hiring for the police force. They don’t get hired by the sheriff. I suggest they get hired by a jury. All applicants must be aware that they will be looked into by 12 citizen’s American they will decide on who gets hired. All applicants must have constitutional training. Applications will be reviewed by the jury and interviewed by the jury then a voted decision will be made on all applicants. Recommendations can be done by the sheriff or officer in charge, but all final decisions go through a jury of piers. an alternate juries or jurors will be used not the same ones over and over. Just like a jury summons sent to new Jersey for new hiring. The 12 jurors can be used to hire no more than two police officers at a time.
Interesting. I had someone say something similar about being locally elected. A pool of average American citizens, that are there for a finite time, to vote on important policies and then they leave.
I would expand the number of officers to more than just 2 because departments usually mass hire. So that would be a lot of jurors to hire a class of 20-40 potential officers.