Health Insurance including Medicare, Medicaid, etc. must cover alternative treatments

Years of being treated by mainstream doctors with pharmaceuticals led to my symptoms worsening. I finally found MDs who discovered the root cause of my suffering was my body didn’t metabolize copper properly, creating an overload of copper and a deficiency in zinc and other nutrients. They treated me with natural supplementation to correct the imbalance. My biochemistry, like many others, does not respond well to pharmaceuticals. Yet even with an MD’s prescription, insurance companies refuse to pay for natural supplements, which significantly improved my health. Instead, they continued to push harmful pharmaceuticals that are more costly and ineffective. I’ve spent thousands of dollars to regain health that was misdiagnosed and mistreated by mainstream doctors. I wrote a book about my journey and have had many readers contact me, stating they, too, have needlessly suffered and spent thousands of dollars with no answers. I pray for a bill recognizing that we are all biochemically unique individuals and should not be treated with one-size-fits-all pharmaceuticals. More legislation is needed to realize the benefits of nutritional supplementation and compounded drugs that target individual needs. The effort to treat our unique biochemistries should include training for mainstream doctors on nutritional supplementation and a change in medical practice to identify root causes rather than treat symptoms.

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I agree. Same here.

Absolutely including herbs and supplements

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Yes patients should have alternatives that the insurance ( that we are paying for) will pay! We pay out of our pockets and the insurance company is not doctors. They have no right to deny what treatment the doctor prescribes for us!