Government Benefits for US Citizens Only

Regardless of the scenario, if a migrant is in America and is need of assistance for housing, food, clothing, a cell phone, or anything else the government offers, the only assistance provided should be a free trip to their home country. They would also be added to a list and no longer be allowed to return.

This would include but not be limited to refugees, people who are on a work visa, someone just visiting for tourism, an immigrant who is on the path to citizenship, but hasn’t made it yet.

I know it’s trendy to have a cool title for the laws passed, so here is a few recommendations:

The Gravy Train Stops Here
Go To Find Opportunities (GTFO Act for short)
Nobama Phone 4 U


Yes, i agree. And it’s difficult for me to fathom. Shouldn’t this be common sense? Paying for non citizens while Americans are dying on streets due to drug overdose due to open border crisis.

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This is an absolute necessity. We have got to take care of our own citizens.

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If you take any benefits from the government you must have 3 generations of paying into the system like my grandmother did – working many years for a meager social security benefit – if you come in - after 30 years you become eligible.

most of us work for 45 years prior to being eligible – perhaps only 40 years?

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