Free College For Everyone;Like Other Countries

I’m not sure what you mean by “we deserve” these things. Why do we deserve it? “We should be entitled to free things” means that we should be taxed more so everyone has some ridiculous, twisted notion of “equity” that people keep using these days but have no idea whst equity is. This notion of Equity leads to less value, less productivity, and less local and global competitiveness.

If by “free healthcare” you mean the overloaded, underfunded healthcare systems that are paid for by the people being taxed into poverty, only to be encouraged and incentivized to be euthanized:

no thank you.

If by “free College” you mean everyone gets a free 4-6 year opportunity to “find themselves” at a Pi Kappa Phi purple haze party:

No thank you.

But you are right. Something needs to change.

We need to cut universities down, stop subsidizing them and get rid of the concept that they are a good life choice. No one deserves to go into debt for these places. They have become entitled garbage that inflated the meaning of degrees so much that the even prestigous degrees now mean nothing unless you become a doctor, fintech bro, lawyer or research scientist for the same universities.

You could get the equivalent of a college degree in highschool for free, but even then the problem is supply and demand. Once everyone has something, it becomes worthless.

Degrees were created to separate people by how much value they can offer. If everyone has a higher education degree, some new indicator or separator wil be created- probably another nonsensical four year scheme by Big Education

You did that too? ROFL! I was in grade school and doing that at USL computer lab, sneaking in through the back door and claiming a mainframe terminal for myself for a few hours…all dumb terminals, all green screen text, cold as heck (had to wear a jacket) and puch cards scattered all over the place. It was HEAVEN! :rofl:

Agreed. Why should there be a barrier between anyone and the right to an education- or, what we would call an inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, life and Liberty? Anyone, regardless of wealth or access to funding, should be able to learn. How perverse is it to say that you may learn something only if you have the money to pay for that knowledge when knowledge belongs to everyone. I believe that we have our priorities mixed up when we demand payment for an inalienable right.

So, the question becomes how to fund the education “services” so as to provide equal learning access to everyone.

First of all, I would get rid of all of the excess, redundant, nefarious, fraudulent, and unnecessary programs, salaries, and positions of Administration and tenured professors who require a certain lavish level of funding. Higher education has gotten too fatty to digest with little benefit.

Secondly, I would cut funding to K through 12 school systems, which currently are free to the public, as they too have too much non-essential content. K-12 schools do not prepare or serve our children appropriately. Use some of that funding to create a new system which would extend out of the K through 12 learning into higher education, including vocational and apprenticeships, as students wish to continue.

Third, I would use nefarious taxes, which the government has taken from us year after year after year, to pay for this new system to provide the rest of the “cost” of a free education- such as suggested with the new American Academy.

Student “loans” are nefarious, illegal, and burdensome, at best, and should never be an alternative when seeking education, in my opinion. The sudent loan system has become, and always was, a business working hand in hand with colleges and universities for profit which, in turn, steals the future away from every generation under them.

Thank you for this policy. :heart: