Foreign Policy: Recognize and Stop the Boer Genocide in South Africa

The Boers are Europeans who colonized and settled South Africa hundreds of years ago. Thanks to anti-white leftist propaganda in the 80s referencing “apartheid” these people were sanctioned, marginalized, and disempowered in their own country. For years their majority-black government has sanctioned violence against them due to envy and racial hatred. Many innocent farmers, whose farms are essentially the bread basket for SA, have been attacked and murdered by thugs who clearly have government support (military-grade equipment). The leading political party in SA has even called for their murders with chants of “Kill the Boers” at political rallies. Just this week, the government made it legal to seize their farms, just as happened in Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) in 1979. The western media has largely ignored this story, so without US aid or recognition of the atrocities perpetrated on these people, I fear their future could be very bleak.

I propose we set an aggressive foreign policy agenda in SA that formally recognizes the ongoing genocide and imposes sanctions and other leverage on the SA government until it is rectified. Failing that, the threat of military action should be on the table (This is a cause for which I would gladly volunteer my service).

While I don’t advocate military adventurism, a South African “stronghold” (whatever that might look like) could be a jewel in the crown of The American Empire, in one of the most arable and beautiful parts of the African continent; and making us close allies with an amazingly resilient, resourceful, and successful European-descended people.

Note: This is an informal policy idea, but I’m happy to flesh it out or do a more-formal and complete writeup if this gets traction.

Out of curiosity, did this policy idea have anything to do with President Trump’s statement about SA today or was it just coincidental timing? In any case I’m ecstatic to hear him commit to using diplomatic and economic pressure to help these people.

What’s happening in SA is what leftists wanted to bring to America, hence the mass non-white immigration. So, while this is not exactly a domestic issue, it hits very close to home.
