Force Big Pharma to create bio-similar options for insulins like Levemir

As a type 1 diabetic reliant on insulin to not only stay alive but have some sort of quality of life as well… On the point of quality of life, insulin and it’s medical purpose it is a right for us who depend on it not one that should be profited on or removed from the market for not being profitable enough. Currently Novo Nordisk is threatening to remove Levemir the ONLY long lasting basil that has IMPROVED my quality of life living on insulin solely due to profitability.

At the very least they should be required to offer a bio similar option or simply keep Levemir available! Novo should license Levemir to another company for a royalty OR for the government to financially incentivize smaller companies to create a biosimilar and fast tracking as well as prioritizing a biosimilar through the FDA approval process.

It is imperative we act swiftly! Please support this and carry it all the way to President TRUMP’s DESK and get this passed! Insulin is a RIGHT! We shouldn’t be forced to choose an alternative.