For the Unvaccinated

A policy for the Americans who are unvaccinated. We (man, woman and child) should be awarded 1.5 million dollars. Why? Because we the unvaccinated people, have took part in fighting this war, to protecting ourselves from harm of the Deep State. In this war we have fought and stood 10 toes down by using the laws of the land, state law, medical exemption, religious exemption, spiritual exemption, putting public officials on notice, fighting through lawsuits and courts. Not only Trump has been fighting for us, but he showed us to fight for ourselves. Plus, the money will allows to have options for the best care that suits us to maintain good overall health. And I would like to add the money be tax free please :pray:. Thank you sincerely, Kennitta Lindsey :sparkles::lotus::dizzy::us: Health


Nope. It is proven that vaccines provide herd immunity & help prevent disease spread. You should not be paid for being a potential Typhoid Mary. If you don’t want to be vaccinated, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t be rewarded for that. The vaccinated among us are not rewarded either.

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Sarah, unvaccinated people did their due diligence, studied , researched and warned people about how lethal the bio-weapon CV-19 is. If you didn’t take the time to use discernment and research :microscope: the information that’s not our fault. This was a long sinister plan to destroy humanity. And since you want to call names and say I’m a Typhoid Mary, You sound like some woke sheep :sheep: that went right along with the BS Scamdemic, don’t be mad and bitter because you didn’t use critical thinking skills. I said what I said


On the contrary, i agree about the covid vaccine. I am referring to all the mainstream vaccines–measles, etc.

I agree with you that the whole covid thing was about control. Personally, i had to take it or lose my job. Not a choice i was particularly happy with, but i need a job.

Other vaccines have been proven useful for many years. The mRNA vaccine used for covid was not tested enough i belive.

I just don’t see the point in anyone wo refused vaccinations askin for $ if the were not harmed by a vaccine they refused.

Notice that in your original post you weren’t specific about covid.

You should do more research on this. I’m reading that the drop in cases of a disease that are being attributed to a vaccine may actually be attributed to things like improved sanitation (smallpox) or Polio (the banning of DDT). The science isn’t settled on this. Science should never be settled. The people telling you so are the ones pushing their own agendas.

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Measles is rarely fatal. Hardly anybody used to be vaccinated for it, even when the vax became available. As unpleasant as getting sick may be, for many of these illnesses, once you are sick and heal, you have natural immunity for life. Your feminine pearl clutching and fretting over a sickness to the point of voluntarily overriding or corrupting your own immune system, and/or the immune systems of your children with unnecessary vaccines… YOUR worry and YOUR decision to vax does not make a NEED for those vaccines or YOUR decision, VALID.

You said NOTHING about various side effects, you dismiss or have not heard of increasing accounts of vaccine injured? you’ve done no scrutiny on the ingredients, you give blind trust to an industry that violates trust, rather than preserves trust. And the issue isn’t vaccines anymore, it’s injectable gene altering poison.

You are a stupid herd animal, mooing in their pasture, happily consuming whatever the rest of the herd is consuming. You can’t SEE damages, because you have no sight or vision.

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I believe that mistake should be very easy for the original poster to rectify. No need to risk devolving the thread. I would also suggest calling out such a perceived error on the 1st reply rather than the 3rd if you come across another such incident.

I don’t think that I should be rewarded for being smart about vaccines (including mRNA vaccines), but I also don’t think that taxpayers should be on the hook for all future damages related to mRNA vaccines (Yes, ALL vaccines are going to be using mRNA – it is the eventual goal).

For those who willingly accept future mRNA vaccines (which will be all of them shortly), the taxpayers should not have to reward them for their stupidity by paying for the long-term medical costs as the slow-kill mRNA shots gradually debilitate them.

No monitary rewards for those smart individuals who choose to stay healthy and avoid mRNA vaccines == FINE.

No future govt healthcare rewards to those less-smart individuals who stupidly believed that vaccines will remain safe forever because of some rigged govt. study and propaganda campaign. == FINE

Moral of the story: For those who continue with their mRNA vaccines but don’t want to reward others for staying off the govt healthcare rolls, you can’t have it both ways. You should not be allowed treatment for being stupid.