Doctors should be required by law to disclose all financial stipends or bonuses they receive from drug manufactures.
There are plenty of professions where this is already law. In my state as a real estate agent I could not recommend a contractor that was going to pay me a bonus for referring them without disclosing that to the client. How are doctors not under the same rules?
Yes but if there is no law stating they, the doctor, must disclose to the patient, must make them aware, is responsible in regards to making them aware, then in all actually 99.9% will never know.
those that care can look it up. Why would someone want to see a doc and not look them up anyway they can? Consumers still need to be prudent. More “laws” never helps. The whole idea is reduce government waste - part of which comes from too many laws - which are ultimately broken anyway. People need to be responsible. Some may not care and they will not look. Takes less time to look this up than to make an appointment
In my experience doctors don’t typically receive direct payouts from pharma unless they do speaking arrangements to sell the drug as a representative. This is very few of us. Doctors sometimes get free food from drug manufacturers, or might get incentives for “quality measures” such as vaccinating a certain percentage of their patients. The real problems are systemic- look to address pharma influence on medical journals, medical education and advertising to the public.
Need to make it incentive payments from any organization- pharmaceutical, hospital system or group practice they are employed by, or from Insurance companies .
Basically like financial professionals they must disclose all conflicts of interest and all sources of all payments made to them. Not hard. Its what professionals do.
If doctors don’t want to do this- they really are not professionals then- and no better than a used car salesperson.