Family Reunification for Elderly Immigrants Bill

This proposal seeks to create a pathway for U.S. citizens and legal residents to bring their elderly parents from other countries to the United States, allowing families to provide care, companionship, and support during their parents’ final years. This would apply only to elderly parents without criminal records, whose families meet specific financial criteria to ensure they can support them independently without government assistance, and without criminal background as well.


Thousands of elderly parents, often in vulnerable health, are left to live alone in their home countries because their children reside in the United States. Many face loneliness, depression, and lack of care, separated from the family support network they need. By allowing U.S. families to bring these elderly parents to live with them, we can promote humane treatment, ensure dignity in aging, and provide family support for some of our most vulnerable populations.

Requirements for Eligibility:

  1. NOCriminal Record: Both the elderly parent and the U.S.-based family members must have no criminal history.

  2. Financial Stability: The U.S.-based family members must provide bank statements and evidence of financial capability to care for their parent without reliance on government resources.

  3. Age Requirement: The program would be open to elderly individuals above a certain age (e.g., 70 or older) who have no immediate family care in their home country.

This initiative would help reunite families, reduce the emotional and mental toll of separation, and support the well-being of elderly parents who otherwise face aging alone. It also aligns with family values, encourages compassionate end-of-life care, and reduces the burden of isolation on vulnerable seniors.