Terminate tax loopholes with 501(c) (3) and other so called non-profit entities.
This is a terrible idea… i agree some companies need to pay taxes. But churches for example, should not have to pay taxes.
Im in favor of
3% federal/state/local tax, that’s it… with open books for all to see.
I am in favor of Churches being taxed.
They have become too political in their sermons and programs. Church we are all God’s children. I do not want to see a political flag or sign for “black lives matter” or LGBT flags.
I don’t know what political flags you mean, but “black lives matter” and LGBT flags or whatever are AGAINST the Christian churches, and any “church”, that would display them, is NOT a church and should be DISBANDED.
Churches are NOT supposed to be Racist, Sexist,or promoting hate or encourage any kind of perversion. They are supposed to be places where people can meet, celebrate and learn about God and the Bible, and do various functions like witnessing, or feeding the needy. Sin and leftist views are looked at with DISDAIN!
And some “pastors” are SCUM, but there are some great pastors that apparently get relatively little. Frankly, I have heard some tell their whole congregation how much they make, and I for one was shocked. Though with tax considerations, and the fact that they live modestly, it certainly DOES help offset the disparity. The churches aren’t mega churches, and don’t push for tithes, etc…
BTW Jesus had a kind of righteous love. There were times you might say he showed hate, like the idea that some were worthy of nothing, or overturning the money tables, or that a person should work to eat, and earn his own way. It is like the old saying “Love the sinner, and hate the sin”, The sin has to be discouraged in some way.
Maybe in some cases, but again, thats why there is separation of church and state in the constitution. Can’t violate that now, can we?