End Charitable Deductions & NGOs

The charitable deduction, especially its fair market value deduction for certain property, is one of the biggest tax scams in the IRC (Internal Revenue Code.) Section 170 allows the charitable deduction from income for federal income tax purposew and then the states adopt it through their definition of state taxable income.

The vast majority of people give to charity with a charitable intent. YES, charitable contributions will go DOWN at first, as some people gift to charity solely for the tax deduction.

But WHY are their neighbors taxes going UP when the charity that “deducter” gave to is an offensive activity to the neighbor? This scam has allowed multi-billionaires to impose on the entire country outrageous policies that are tearing the country apart. George Soros is a major supporter of the OPEN BORDER policy that is a violation of American Law and yet he takes charitable deductions while promoting that lawlessness.

Almost every charity is an offensive entity to someone who finds what they do reprehensible. If you agree with the cause, you can be certain there are many others who oppose it.

PBS & NPR are extremely political entities. If people want them to continue, they are free to gift them a contribution. They don’t need a tax deduction at the expense of their neighbors, to survive. Shouldn’t their neighbors have the option to donate to a similar outfit that takes the opposite view?

Ending the charitable deduction will ultimately not change the contributions much. Early in my career, I prepared thousands of tax returns. The vast majority of the deductions on those returns were given for the charitable purpose intended, NOT for the tax deduction.

Similarly, the NGO (Non Governmental Organization) needs to be weened off of their inherent government funding scam. NGO’s should be banned from receiving any funds from a governmental entity. The corruption is thick in this element of 21st century America. Crony Socialism is beautifully exhibited by the funding and policy initiatives of the NGOs. They are usually overpaid, for a policy objective that is typically obscured, and the “benefit” to society would be far more effectively provided by a government agency in the city or town where they are administering their assigned task.

NEVER should the Federal government dare to issue charitable funds on behalf “of the country” when there is no conceivable way such could ever be expressed. That YOUR party is in control, and YOU believe in a particular cause is an excellent example of tyranny by the majority. Charity is in the hearts and minds of individuals and should never be feigned by a government or corporation on behalf “of all.”


Hello! Yes, I think you have an interesting point… I need to know more about the subject but I just posted about how it appears to me that many NGO, non-profits like those of Bill Gates are ultimately used for profit and control… so their non profit status should be stripped… I don’t know a lot about this subject but will try to learn more. Have you seen the Adam Ruins Everything episode about the art market and write off’s for art donations w/ puffed up values? These supposed “charitable donations” seem to only benefit the donors tax bill and don’t help the natural, “organic” creation of art that should be speaking to and from people’s hearts and having meaning besides tax value…our culture’s growth is actually thwarted - artists not thriving as much unless they can sell out and get in that game…Thanks!

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To some extent, NGOs appear to be a retirement home for many key political appointees? THEY MUST BE ELIMINATED.
Alberto Mora – Former General Counsel for the U.S. Navy (George W. Bush Admin), known for opposing torture policies. Now Assoc. Exec. Dir. of Global Programs at American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education (EIN: 366110299). $229,970

Anne Richard – Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (Obama Admin). Listed as Senior Advisor, AHRCM at Freedom House (EIN: 131656647). $179,406

Derek Mitchell – Former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar (Obama Admin) and Pentagon advisor. Now President (thru 9/2023) at National Democratic Institute (EIN: 521338892). $344,681

Daniel Fisk – Former National Security Council official (George W. Bush Admin), State Department veteran. Now Chief Operations Officer at International Republican Institute (EIN: 521340267). $163,055

Dr. Daniel Twining – Former State Department Policy Planner (Bush Admin), advisor on democracy promotion. Now President at International Republican Institute (EIN: 521340267). $405,724

Anthony Banbury – Former UN Assistant Secretary-General, served under Clinton, Bush, Obama on peacekeeping & crisis response. Now President & CEO at International Foundation for Electoral Systems (EIN: 521527835). $372,157

Paige Alexander – Former USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia (Obama Admin). Now CEO of The Carter Center (EIN: 581454716). $424,902

Damon Wilson – Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and NATO advisor. Now President & CEO at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN: 521344831). $368,965

Maju Varghese – Former White House Deputy Assistant & Director of the Office of Administration (Biden Admin). Now Chief Operating Officer at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN: 521344831). $257,883

Carl Gershman – Longtime President of National Endowment for Democracy (since Reagan Admin, spanning GOP & Democratic administrations). Now listed as Former President at NED (EIN: 521344831). $250,000

Dr. Allan Goodman – Former Executive Dean at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, played key roles in education diplomacy under multiple administrations. Now CEO/Trustee at Institute of International Education (EIN: 131624046). $787,536

$1,952,938,001 in taxpayer funds! :money_with_wings:

:arrow_right: NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY (521344831) Taxpayer Funds ($362,047,237)

:arrow_right: INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (131624046) Taxpayer Funds ($257,092,498)

:arrow_right: NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTE FOR (521338892) Taxpayer Funds ($167,610,102)

:arrow_right: CONSORTIUM FOR ELECTIONS & (521943638) Taxpayer Funds ($165,142,739)

:arrow_right: GLOBAL COMMUNITIES (520846183) Taxpayer Funds ($155,240,485)

:arrow_right: PACT INC (132702768) Taxpayer Funds ($149,717,276)

:arrow_right: INTERNATIONAL REPUBLICAN INSTITUTE (521340267) Taxpayer Funds ($130,689,289)

:arrow_right: American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education (366110299) Taxpayer Funds ($114,242,128)

:arrow_right: FREEDOM HOUSE (131656647) Taxpayer Funds ($93,979,673)

:arrow_right: INTERNEWS NETWORK (943027961) Taxpayer Funds ($93,974,716)

:arrow_right: INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL (521527835) Taxpayer Funds ($58,684,285)

:arrow_right: CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL (521398742) Taxpayer Funds ($49,782,402)

:arrow_right: ROCKEFELLER PHILANTHROPY ADVISORS INC (133615533) Taxpayer Funds ($27,306,551)

:arrow_right: EAST-WEST MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE INC (133586432) Taxpayer Funds ($25,060,024)

:arrow_right: THE CARTER CENTER INC (581454716) Taxpayer Funds ($22,531,458)

:arrow_right: SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND (521257425) Taxpayer Funds ($20,758,888)

:arrow_right: THE RHODE ISLAND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (222604963) Taxpayer Funds ($12,502,500)

:arrow_right: INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT (521818273) Taxpayer Funds ($10,638,679)

:arrow_right: INSTITUTE FOR WAR & PEACE REPORTING-US (431962561) Taxpayer Funds ($9,842,659)

:arrow_right: CIVICUS WORLD ALLIANCE FOR CITIZEN (521847010) Taxpayer Funds ($7,882,463)

:arrow_right: INTERNATIONAL CITYCOUNTY MANAGEMENT (362167755) Taxpayer Funds ($7,390,615)

:arrow_right: DELAWARE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION INC (222804785) Taxpayer Funds ($5,886,448)

:arrow_right: OUTRIGHT ACTION INTERNATIONAL CORP (943139952) Taxpayer Funds ($3,184,871)

:arrow_right: MOBILITY INTERNATIONAL USA (930783096) Taxpayer Funds ($1,411,393)

:arrow_right: Silicon Valley Community Foundation (205205488) Taxpayer Funds ($150,000)

:arrow_right: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S MEDIA FOUNDATION (521648942) Taxpayer Funds ($138,622)

:arrow_right: UNITED CHARITABLE (204286082) Taxpayer Funds ($50,000)