Emergency Relief

In the event of a natural disaster, the Federal Gov’t can use funds to assist the people in building back their houses and the area’s infrastructure. They may not be as nice, but they’ll have a place of their own. While they’re at it, as part of the emergency declaration, no 3rd party private companies can bid on or purchase of the land that was struck by the disaster, the area must be cleaned up and re-populated by the original owners who are the only ones capable of placing the property on the market. In the event of provable negligence by the local government, those local Gov’t officials are to be investigated and it’s to be determined if it was negligence, incompetence or malicious. Following the trial (which is required to take place within 30 days of the disaster), the person(s) will be placed on a ballot for emergency votes by their constituents to determine if they’re to stay in office or be replaced in a special emergency election. All of which is null and void if they’re found guilty of a crime in the process.