Dramatically reduce federal government by offering 2 year severance pay

In order to quickly gain efficiency in the federal government and reduce unnecessary goverment overreach into the lives of the citizenry, offer 6 months minimum severance pay with 1 additional month for every 2 months of employment, up to 2 years of severance, to ANY federal employee who provides the following:

  • At least 3 ideas for improving government’s benefit to the people it serves
  • A description of what they did in their job that should be continued versus discontinued
  • A list of roles and regulations they believe should be eliminated

Giving them long severance packages will keep them from flooding the private sector and also incentivize them to self identify. People who identify other roles that can be eliminated can be given bonuses.


Basically paying them to float off to a new job, while also allowing the good apples to remain, this is the way

Our federal government has definitely grown way too big and powerful. Lets eliminate government that does not directly benefit Americans. Go Elon!