Do not allow the pharmacist to override my doctor!

How can it be that the pharmacist and insurance company can flat our deny me a prescription that my doctor wrote for me? This is crazy and wasn’t really a ‘thing’ until covid. All of the sudden, the pharmacist and insurance company were smarter than my doctor and myself about MY healthcare. :frowning:


Pharmacies also should not be allowed to deter patients from obtaining certain meds which are not favored by CDC protocols by jacking up the prices on those meds so that no one can afford them. This happened with Ivermectin: you could get it, if you could afford $300…


Sadly, they were doing that to pain patients long before covid. In 2016 the “opiate crisis” was an excuse to rip away life-saving pain medication from patients in pain who had years of medical proof of necessity, when the real problem was, and still is, illegal fentanyl. The government knows it but it’s so much easier to go after the weak and use patients as the scapegoat rather than actually grow some courage and go after the cartels and drug dealers causing the problem. Since this has happened, innocent patients have either had to turn to the streets to take their chances on dying from bad medicine or suffer until they can no longer handle the pain and commit suicide. Many believe this is purposely done to “thin the herd” and will reduce payouts of Medicare and Social Security. The greedy cowards in government and insurance companies and the power-hungry pharmacists need to keep their nose out of the decisions made by licensed physicians. And shame on the physicians who didn’t stand up for their patients when this whole mess began.


This is ignoring the fact that a pharmacist has more knowledge of drug interactions and drug uses than a doctor. This is not a good proposal and a waste of these resources


Ivermectin… you’re a tool.

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It’s not ignoring anything. Pain patients are commiting suicide because of the whims of pharmacists and insurance companies. Pharmacists have no business interfering in the doctor/patient relationship. They have Ph.Ds, they are not clinicians.


It’s been customary for pharmacists who identify a drug interaction to contact the prescribing physician to make them aware and get an order for an alternate medication. Pharmacists are not allowed to independently practice medicine.


The FIRST thing you should do in such a case is RESEARCH! If worse comes to worst, and you have a problem like this, MOVE TO ANOTHER PHARMACY.


My wife goes thru same thing every month. Shes on a pain contract and she is forced to argue with pharmacists and shop around to nearby counties for her script and then only give her a partial. Think they are above her doctor. No script, she ends up in ER or worse.


Interesting. Years ago, I had a medical issue that involved a rare, but serious side-effect to a medication that not only could no one seem to figure out, but according to the theory that pharmacists are more knowledgeable, it should have been discovered by my pharmacist before it ever happened. I eventually did my own research and discovered the problem after months of suffering and having more Rx’s given to me that would n never fix the initial problem without discontinuing the first medication. Then another incident occurred where, because I trusted my pharmacist, who had been filling my same Rx for years, I was mistakenly given an increase on a fentanyl patch. Only when I went back to my pain dr. to get a refill, and I was handed a lower amount was it discovered that he had screwed up. Conveniently enough, he disappeared from the place he’d been working for decades and wound up still working as a pharmacist in the same town at a different store. So, maybe they do, or at least should have more knowledge, but many of them, especially today, don’t. And they still aren’t doctors. They know nothing of a patient’s medical history other than what is being prescribed. Anyone who believes it’s OK to make someone in pain suffer, shouldn’t be allowed to be in the medical field on any level as far as I’m concerned.


AGREE! My pharmacist found drug interactions my Dr’s SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT!


I’m surprised they even take care of her pain in the ER. Sad what’s happened in this country. Sorry your wife and you have to go through that.

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Isn’t that what the FDA IS


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You are a tool? That is bizarre judgement. Check the NIH for approved Covid treatment. You will find Ivermectin. It is and was approved for human consumption. People were fed lies. Did you look it up? Or did you believe the MSM mockingbird repeating a narrative? Our licensed physicians use off label medications, have for years. Cialis for a woman? Weird, but there is a reason. Anti-seizure medication for bipolar? Weird. Medicine should be between the MD and patient with legal consent. Not cohersion and forcing people to inject an experimental drug or they cannot work. Were you told of side effects? I might be inclined to wager you were not, just lined up and took it without question.


Help me to understand.

First, the pharmacist is not allowed to prescribe, legally. That is the exclusive purview of a medical practioner, unless I’m sadly mistaken.

When a pharmacist takes exception to a prescription, shouldn’t he be required - by law - to consult the medical practioner so that they could decide, in concert, the proper course of action? If such consultation results in the doctor disagreeing with the pharmacist, the doctor’s choice should prevail, IMO. Even if the doctor is wrong, he has the legal liability, not the pharmacist, no?

I can think of no case wherein an insurance provider should be allowed to subsitute any medication or even influence what medication is prescribed. They should certainly be allowed to decide how much, if anything, they will pay for a prescribed medication; but if the Rx is on their formulary list, they should be required by law to pay what that list defines for the drug.

What am I missing?


There is a case in Texas today where the state medical board took action against a Houston doctor for prescribing Ivermectin. The chief doctor for the state medical board was exposed as a former Planned Parenthood doctor and consultant and has since resigned under pressure from state legislators. To my knowledge, the case has not been resolved and is still pending against the doctor. I read a newspaper account alleging that the doctor in question prescribed without seeing the patient which might be part of the reason why the case has not been resolved.

A little searching should turn up the particulars.

As much as your concern might be true, bottom line is you are WILLINGLY wanting to take part in the evil Rockefeller petrochemicals by BELIEVING that they are the answer to “healthcare.” They are not. They are nothing but POISONS. But this, just like with all other disclosures that are right around the corner, will be exposed as mainstream medicine/ big pharma goes down for their part in not only slowly killing society but for deceiving society (e.g. cancer treatments, removing a “brain dead” patient off of life support, vaccine agenda, etc.). STOP RELYING ON CHEMICALS! … seek out a credible functional or naturopathic doctor.

Some pharmacists are claiming they are out when they are not.

How about they can override NPs and PAs since their training is so short and they have very little oversight.