Decreasing Abortion

I agree. We should improve sex education. I’m not sure if they’re really offering true “sex education” anymore though. If they refuse to identify our biological sex differences or point out that the biological function of sex is reproduction, how is that even sex education.

Here’s other topics that I think should be taught, in high school. We should:

<<<Pass a law that in order to get federal funding, high schools must make a graduation requirement and colleges make an admission requirement students must first pass an awareness class, taught by a non-school, non-teacher union, non-ideological, independent contractor, using a transparent curriculum available to the public online, regarding:

-what abortion procedures are really like

-fetal & child development

-all the resources available to low income moms

-basic parenting skills & perspectives from moms about what motherhood is really like and its challenges and rewards

-primary attachment theory

-physical/psychological risks & experiences of pregnancy and abortion

-the causes & harmful effects of toxic stress against pregnant moms and our babies

-the harms of absent fatherhood

-awareness about all forms of abuse, including narcissistic abuse, economic abuse and coercive control

-awareness about all forms of, and the harms of, exploitation of women’s bodies, all forms of sexual coercion, pregnancy coercion, abortion coercion and our “player culture”

-biological sex differences between men and women

-adoption awareness, especially for children with Down Syndrome

-perspectives and experiences from children and parents about the causes, challenges, rewards and parenting/child-care strategies for various disabilities and learning disorders, especially for Down Syndrome, Autism & ADHD>>>>

For more of my policy proposals related to these issues, please view it here: