Declare Fifth Generation War on Subversive Actors

For at least the last 150 years, America, together with the other Christian western powers have been under siege from subversive forces bent on cutting off human connection to the spirit, through cultural demoralization, for example the rise of drugs and alcohol as parishes shrink via media influence and low targets for public education making slaves not citizens, through environmental policies, for example fluoridation of the water, glyphosate in the food, aluminum and barium in the air, and wi-fi and 5G permeating the radio sphere. Powerful forces, an oligarchy which has ruled over humanity as masters for thousands of years have bent to the sole purpose of destroying and subverting the shining beacon of hope and freedom from reaching its potential and purpose. We must admit that we are at war, always, and be courageous in our opposition to the forces of evil that would end the free world in its infancy. We must rise to the challenge we face, not to give it power through fear, but to admit there is such an enemy and that not only is the enemy real and acting with determination, and face the battle with courage.

The enemy have formulated their objectives long ago, so let’s examine their work and evaluate their progress:

  1. Undermine schools’ teachers’ authority. and

  2. Create racism offenses.

  3. Create confusion with constant change.

  4. Teach sex and homosexuality to children.

  5. Destroy the national identity of the Western nations with massive immigration.

  6. Promote excessive drinking and drugs.

  7. Empty churches and reduce faith.

  8. Create an unreliable legal system with a bias against victims of crime.

  9. Create a dependance upon the state and state benefits.

  10. Dumb down the media.

  11. Encourage the breakdown of the family.

  12. Exert control over the money supply.