Creation of optional National Lottery

Imagine a national lottery system you could opt into when filing a W4 form. Let’s say $10 per month. Pre tax. The government keeps half and uses it for education or some other beneficial program. The other half is allotted for distributions monthly.

For example, let’s say 10 million people opt in for this program. That’s 1.2 Billion per year. 50% funds whatever program. That leaves 600 million. Divided by 12 months is 50 million. Set a payout of 100k each and draw from the list of SSN in the program monthly. That’s 500 people. 6000 per year. The current lottery system provides zero guarantees that your number will ever be drawn at the exact time you purchase it. This system provides a guarantee that your number is in play every month essentially.

Now, 100k isn’t life changing money but it can make a difference for many people while providing funding for certain necessary programs. Or possibly the new sovereign wealth fund?