Convention of States Amendments

instead of term limits for SupremeCourt, we need to have an age limit of 70.*

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Agree. They should have the same age requirement and tenure that all other citizens have.

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I agree. With exception of Presidents Cabinet, ALL other positions should be voted on by We the People.

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Aye. But why choose representatives to vote for you? Youre perfectly capable of that already. Vote directly on issues, skip the middleman between yourself and your governing body.

Perhaps some want representatives, as theyre busy or lazy. If we want there to still be representatives, let it not be instead of the ability to directly participate in our democracy. Let those who would delegate, do so directly. Let those who would participate, do so directly. Let this be modular. Just because you choose to delegate decision making on one issue should not carte blance outsource all decision making authority. You ought to be able to vest a portion of your authority in a representative and retain the ability to revoke that authority immediately if they prove themselves unfit to do so. If they vote against your wishes, you rescind the authority to have done so and then reallocate your vote directly.


I would also make exceptions for Ambassadorships and agency director level positions (which are already filled by Presidential appointment).

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I would list all these items separately so we can vote for each one on its own merits. I support most of these ideas.

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I believe the Constitution was set up for the States to have more power than the Federal Government, people are educated to believe the opposite. We need to go back to our original Constitutional Republic, which is We the People are the Government. term limits 2 terms and go back to regular job on life long appointments and no benefits none!!! They become regular citizens period like our founders did.


Make Lobbying illegal. It’s plain and simple bribery. "( Outlaw this and many other bad things go away.

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First step to any significant change, repeal 16th amendment, repeal ss and medi systems.

Then we can get to brass tacks


While I support the idea of term limits, I struggle with an age restriction. I propose that the Justices can serve out their term at any age PROVIDED that cognitive tests are performed and passed every other year beginning at age 60.

BTW, Under 14 CFR Part 121, commercial airlines cannot employ pilots after they reach the age of 65. This is largely due to degradation of reflexes and vision… not cognitive abilities.

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For the purpose of this Constitution, Navigable Waters shall be limited to surface waters actively used for the transport of goods in commerce among the states. Lifted from Simulated Convention held in Colonial Willamsburg August 2023 by Conventon of States Foundation