Consumer Country of Origin Act


For far too long USA consumers have been victimized by consuming products labeled and marketed as “edible” regardless of the origin of country for the ingredients in their food. Any harmful gmo ingredients should be banned but that aside products produced primary from China for example should be required to have a giant hammer and sickle logo on the front of it. Not only do we have no insight in the food practices of foreign countries we have limited control. If a steak is from Brazil it should have the countries flag clearly displayed ON THE FRONT of packaging. It’s not fair for underprivileged communities to turn the package around and see in small print what the country of origin is for their families consumption or sift through all of the u pronounceable ingredients to see which lab or factory they have came from.

Conversely, food produced in the USA will proudly display our unions flag and allow the general layman consumer the ability to make a choice that both supports the health of their family and their country. That is of course if we are able to pass legislation that demands companies follow the similar common sense ingredient bans of the European Union and Canada for example.

MAHA father of two young children, a boy and girl.