Constitution Renewal

As the constitution was originally written, no law or regulation was meant to contradict the amendments that were passed.

Via the constitution any God given right(s) was left to the states or the people.

Therefore I believe all federal laws should be abandoned, yet the rights that were expressly mentioned via constitution be renewed and the states held liable for ignoring those protections via the state courts which will answer to the local militia regarding integrity of the court’s.

Each locality should have its own militia SEPARATE from the state, yet may have voluntary coordination with state governments.

Furthermore, licenses (if required) should be provided for FREE via the states that request them. All of these licenses can be paid for via state, city, town, and/or county sales taxes.

Although all sales taxes should be by public vote and only be enforced via the consent of the people.

No tax, whether it be alone or combined with other taxes should exceed 5%.