Companies Deceive Consumers With Shrinking Products

I used to be a team leader retail merchandiser …for those who don’t know i was one of the people who everyone hates that goes into stores and moves everything around …lol
I worked in this field for many years…do you know the principle reason why we do this …because often time companies will decrease the amount of the food or oz s in the packages you buy . Lets just take yogurt for instance …they would take a 1/4 of an oz out of yogurt all of them at the same time usually every 6 months and leave them in the same packages they always have no down sizing the packaging …why so you wont notice there is less in them i mean who looks at the oz s of something every month to see its the same …??? The reason we had to reset it was because they had to change the tags with the new oz on it . Its on there but no one ever notices .but the price never changed even tho you are getting less …they do it with everything but yogurt and cereal are the big ones snacks are another …and lately i have noticed it getting much worse with the price of food gong up …This is a blatant ripping off of the american people and must be stopped .It has always been done for many years only now it is much worse…start paying attention to this when you go shopping . Your paying much more for much less.,ever notice that those cookies you buy used to be large and now they are tiny and cost more this is why …


What, specifically, should be stopped?

Are you recommending price controls? Should companies only raise prices and never have smaller portions? Should companies be required to publicly advertise that they’re selling less for the same price?

While it isn’t illegal per se, it is highly deceptive. There should be some requirement of notification, such as ‘new size’. Perhaps for a limited time.