Business-Trial Grants or Government Program for First Time Entrepreneurs

Many people save money for years and never get the chance to make their own businesses. Major key factor in opening a business is motivation, risk evaluation, and opportunity-loss. People only have so much time and motivation before the desire is lost. Some want to open a business and get comfortable so they never push themselves to take the risk. Trends also only last for so long before they are forever gone. Imagine all the inventions, new ideas, innovation in industries, and progress lost from people not doing their entrepreneur ideas. Therefore, I want to express a unique outrageous, absurd, and controversial idea:

Have a government program or grants for all first time entrepreneurs for all Americans. The programs or grants can range from 50k to 100k. The requirements are an in-depth Business Plan that is convincing enough that a plan will work. To increase a chance for first time entrepreneurs to be successful, resources can also be available to teach first time business owners how to file paperwork, how to keep records, manage inventory, how to do high quality financial sheets, manage employees, and so much more.

By giving people the oportunity to do their business ideas, whether they fail or succeed, it’s experience and the chance they can transform the world through their unique ideas.