Focusing on medical in the following example:
I have spoken with friends before about the idea of creating parallel structures. There are a few things of paramount importance which are easily covered to create this(The people, the building, the equipment).
Many healthcare workers have lost jobs, have had their licenses threatened, are limited in their ability to treat due to capture of everything from licensing boards up to HHS (of which the CDC and FDA are apart of).
Many that are currently part of the American sick care system are ready to exit the system but the largest element preventing this is the fact that the current agencies that have created the rules would never allow such systems.
I believe Vivek spoke of this authority when he was campaigning but was focusing solely on abolition. The issue with abolition is that initially, it is my belief that things would be tied up in litigation for so long that nothing would be able to be made manifest.(I imagine there would be talk of endangering patient safety, death etc).
On the other hand if one were to create a new agency(such as a parallel HHS encompassing a parallel FDA/CDC ran by those that have been part of the health freedom movement and have critical thinking skills and have treated tens of thousands of patients with success, that then create parallel licensing boards(continuing to branch out through the local levels)), it would provide patient choice and the ability to track and monitor health outcomes utilizing early interventions and appropriate treatments that heal and not harm. This ability to track, and prove a dramatic improvement in patient outcomes would both expose and render the prior harmful system obsolete because regardless of one’s political affiliation…people want to live.