Bring back the CCC (Civil Conservation Corps)

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work program that provided jobs for unemployed young men during the Great Depression. The CCC was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

What the CCC did

  • Planted trees

  • Built roads and trails

  • Constructed erosion control structures

  • Fought forest fires

  • Developed parks and recreation areas

  • Built campsites, social halls, amphitheaters, and visitor centers

Who the CCC employed

  • Unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 25, who were unemployed and from relief families

  • Some women also enrolled in the CCC

How the CCC worked

  • Enrollees volunteered and passed a physical exam

  • Enrollees served a minimum of six months, but could serve up to two years

  • Enrollees worked 40 hours per week over five days

  • Enrollees received $30 per month, plus food, clothing, housing, and medical care

When the CCC operated

  • The CCC operated from 1933 to 1942

Proposed changes could incorporate a rehabilitation/work release system for non-violent criminals with opportunity to earn work experience, training/certifications, & upon release in good standing through the program at minimum a federal letter of recommendation for employment, or best case guaranteed employment through the program.

Allow anyone to apply
update the minimum wage earned of course
provide training and certification on skills used on job sites.

This program would be useful in States like California, in order to reduce wildfire hazards, and in areas devastated by natural disasters, such as: Tornados, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Wildfires, ect… It can be used to improve transportation routes, wastes disposal, and land conservation (planting trees/local vegetation, which would help with lowering CO2 in those areas.

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Might work well to help rehabilitate our drugged out brats!