Bitcoin Proposal


The following is a proposal that I believe addresses two existential problems our country faces in it’s future.

First, I fully believe Bitcoin is the equivalent to economic gunpowder whereas it’s adoption is essential to be internationally dominant. With that, having a favorable tax policy that still allows the country to monetarily benefit from its adoption seems an upmost concern.

Second, trust in our institutions continues to erode without site of end. It’s an incredibly difficult task, but finding a way to heal the relationship should be on top of the agenda.

I suggest as part of the BTC Reserve strategy, the US buys it from individuals willing to sell it and NO CAPITAL GAINS TAX OCCURS. This will solidify BTC/USD as THE monetary trade pair of the world. The US also should promise to sell a proportion of the reserves back to the citizens of the world for the sake of liquidity and access. Sticking to this promise provides an easy and transparent way to slowly build this trust we sorely miss in our nation’s discourse.


End all cap gain tax on the sale of Btc by American citizens.