Bills to pass self driving car technology

Hi! Im a recent type 1 diabetic (it activated in me due to catching covid). Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where your body no longer makes insulin on its own whatsoever, leaving you extremely insulin dependent (i have to take 2 types of insulin daily, whether i eat or not, multiple times a day).

Highs and lows can happen randomly at any time of the day, and it has greatly reduced my reaction time and other mental processes. For my safety and everyone elses safety i no longer drive, but this has greatly disturbed my life. Self driving car technology would be a great health benefit for people with chronic conditions to still have a normal life.

Ive seen how other countries, specifically china are progressing rapidly with self driving technology, but in america there is alot of red tape still.

Can we make it easier as a nation to get the ball rolling on self driving technology?