Best practices, updates, and where Policies for the People is headed

Keep in mind this is a really new site with new ideas, sure there are going to be things added and tweet, to make this site better, the only way that happens, is by each of us contributing ideas, as well if we see something that should be added, like you stated, keeping spam out as well unwanted messages not related to anything on this site. Give it some time it well be come better

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Really good question, I didn’t understand that either.

I’ve seen a lot of observations incorrectly categorized as detailed contributions. Are there going to be moderators to properly categorize these, so detailed contributions are not buried in a sea of observations?


Can you please take a look at my new categoty? I have a few new category suggestions, but this is the issue I care the most about. (hopefully this is allowed)

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I think the merge proposal system is too clunky. Mods should be able to merge duplicate topics unilaterally. This could be checked by automatically DMing the OPs of the topics and allowing them to contest the merge, if inclined.

Perhaps food could be changed to Agriculture & Food. Your proposals under Food would then have the agency United-States-Department-of-Agriculture then ‘animal welfare’ would be a tag within the category.


Waverly: Yes, I am willing to give it some time. I must confess that personality-wise, I’m “from Missouri”. In other words, a natural skeptic. My fingers are crossed for this site.


This is a great idea; it will encourage people to be more involved with the platform.


I agree - too many turn a blind eye to those that can’t speak. Animal welfare is so important to us as humans, and would have a great impact on ensuring we look after those that need us.


Chuck I understand, I to feel the same way, I sure we all will, since we all have been betrayed by the government for so long to, as well lied to about everything, just so they could get richer, while making us poorer. We just need to keep going, the battle just stayed and it’s going to be a long fight. We all stand together and strong, we just might win, this is off to a good start and going into the right direction