Ban squatting by illegal aliens

How is it possible that our politicians will not protect our private property rights in favor of letting unknown, unvetted, illegal aliens take over and occupy our properties, without consequence? Squatting is an act of theft. Squatting is an act of larceny. Today a squatter is legally permitted to steal a person’s house. Most of the people stealing houses are illegal aliens. Squatting was initiated to give poor US citizens help in recovering unoccupied, derelict, and dilapidated houses and make them livable again. Squatting was never meant for illegal aliens. As it stands now, the owner cannot get a squatter out before they destroy the house. This situation disadvantages the homeowner. All of the rights of ownership have been transferred to the squatter. This is unacceptable. Squatting is a tool of the socialists. Congress must craft legislation that criminalizes squatting either by a US citizen or by an illegal alien.