As an alternative, in case such a ban gets ruled unconstitutional, any pharmaceutical that advertises cannot be paid for by medicare or medicaid.
Should include internet and social media sites as well
Great idea! Like big tobacco. Cigarettes and tobacco products cannot be advertised.
I also believe that if any industry receives Federal money, the taxpayers know exactly what it will be used for, no redacted information is allowed, and if it is for medical, the money must be used for a cure. If the company cannot provide a cure within a one year timeframe, then all money must be returned. At this point, science has shot itself in the foot, and therefore, the expectation is high for their professed capacity and capability. No excuse. Mediocrity will no longer be tolerated.
Kicking out pharma from advertising on TV may actually help to clean up our media - right now big media is beholden to pharma since most of there revenue comes from them.
more than 70% citizens are already affected by it.
If Kennedy gets in I believe he will be looking into this matter if he is permitted. He has already been outspoken about it with Childrens Health Defense.