I am disturbed with what is going on in our state and country regarding Opoid Hysteria
Since the DEA PROP and CDC have illegally began Opoid Prohibitions,’In The Chronic Pain Community suicides have risen dramatically some say 400% (disturbingly, many among our Veterans). #MedicalTyranny
Gary Mendell, Chad Brummett, Andrew Kolondy and Dr Tom Frieden have been paid over 20 million dollars for speaking out against opioids. Since they have been given a platform, deadly od’s & suicides have gone up dramatically. ABJECT FAILURE!!
The Doctor Patient Forum and some brave doctors are fighting for our Constitutional Rights to be prescribed FDA approved safe Opiates under our doctors care.
Legitimate Drs who adhere to their hippocratic Oath are being persecuted Many have lost their licenses hence their livelihood. Some have lost their homes and families. Some have been imprisoned. They are precisely targeted if they treat patients who suffer from chronic intractable pain with opioids especially if they are also prescribed benzodiazepines. These compassionate doctors are paying the price while the real criminals walk across our border uninhibited SMH.
The Government Alphabet Agencies are waging war and blitzkrieging across the US and I am informing you that they are persecuting the wrong group of people.
I am a senior citizen and my background is clean as a whistle and yet I am treated like a criminal or a toddler.
Why would I wait til I am a senior citizen and all of a sudden decide to become and addict or a criminal??? I personally insist on freedom to chose how I will be medically treated for the remainder of my life. It’s no one’s darn business what I need so I don’t suffer My other option is, according to my back surgeon, multilevel fusion in my neck and lumbar (look it up) and knee and hip replacement. I have other age related issues too many to list I just want to be able to hang out with my grandchildren I have missed so much already because of this unrealistic reaction to medication that actually improves my quality of life and affords me the ability to get up and go. I’ll never get those volleyball games and football games back.
I know there are people with way worse chronic illnesses than me and they are needlessly suffering, Why??? The government needs to stay OUT OF MY DOCTORS OFFICE!!! That privacy is confidential and my Constitutional Right for Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
OPIATES DO NOT KILL they are inanimate objects just like our guns.
I am hoping you will check into this most urgent crisis. People are suffering needlessly.
I heard that RFK is advocating for Medical Freedom. I’m checking into that next.
Thank you for making this a priority
Diane Rittenberry
Grandma from Texas.