Ban Non-Citizen Ownership

Made in America; Owned by America
Individuals that are not citizens of the United States and foreign-owned businesses or non-profits cannot own property or homes in the United States. If a company is an American company, they will not be allowed to sell the company to a non-American. If a foreign company wants to build their products in America, they must rent any property, facility, or land from an American individual or company. Foreign individuals and companies purchasing shares in an American company should be limited to never having a controlling interest or board membership.
All current foreign ownership must be alerted to the policy change and given 6 months to sell their properties, interests, and shares at current, median prices to American individuals or American companies. If they do not sell within the allotted time, they forfeit their American assets to the government, who will sell the assets back to the American people and businesses at current, median selling prices, so as to keep economic prices stable.