Ban LGBTQ+ commercials on children’s shows

So so true. We need this

ATTENTION EVERYONE trump is talking about this RIGHT NOW on youtube

I specifically referred to the age issue, which as you pointed out above, was later edited.

Insofar as understanding opposing views…it is easy enough to understand the intolerable while refusing to capitulate to it.

Yes, because sexualizing children is wrong. I’m not aware of any “heterosexual pride” propaganda being pushed in the media or schools, but if there was I’d be opposed to it, just as I oppose alphabet pride propaganda targeting children.

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I concur, but I’d like to go step further and the libertarians might get upset with me for this (they will)

Ban any and all depictions of LGBTQ+ CHARACTERS in kids shows. It’s not just the advertisements, it’s the normalization of it through relatable and “fun” characters on the Disney channel, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, etc.


Yes not only the commercials with the shows too! keep religion and gender, orientation off of cable shows for children! I don’t wanna have to worry about explaining transgender surgery to a child.

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As a member of the alphabet soup as you call it, I have a few suggestions. Nothing ABC should be in commercials. No characters should be in your elementary and middle school kids. By the time they hit high school pg13 should be ok to view on shows. I do not agree with transkids. They need to leave the kids alone. I too voted Trump. You have more ABC allies than you think. We dont all agree in where our community has been heading. Ty


I don’t believe there should be a ban, I believe there should be categories, pure, understood categories and a conservative family should not have to have to “worry” that their children are exposed to anything sexual. That being said, I believe that the more liberal view should be accommodated, be allowed to be presented, have shows addressing whatever their concerns are, their wants their belies, etc…. Then the parents will know what their children are being exposed to. I grew up in a very conservative family. My father did not “support “ homosexuality. That being said, he had friends that were, work colleagues that were, and when we were in the city he would enjoy everyone for who they were, but, he personally didn’t understand or agree, but he respected their choice for themselves.

The LGBTQ community has hijacked the rainbow as their trademark. Yes, ban these commercials on TV and stop grooming our children to think that its cool to transgender especially without parental knowledge or consent. In Colorado health care providers, psychologists and mental health counsellors will lose their licenses if they try to convince a confused child that they are the sex they were born with. Watch

think you are mixing private conversations and beliefs with the public domain. why would anyone outside the childs family think to have the right to indoctrinate children sexually? that’s what child molesters do, they prey on innocence.

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Gay people existing isn’t an indoctrination. If you could indoctrinate orientation nobody would be gay because everything everywhere promotes straight people.

More to the point, this is MORE regulation when what we need is LESS regulation. That’s the whole point of all this. Less regulation, smaller government.

See New Rating System to Inform Viewers of LGBT Content in TV Shows and Movies - #7 by DiveMaster

Thirteen-year-olds are still children. Brains don’t fully develop until at least the 20s, so let’s protect them while they are growing up, likely in parental care until 18 o 19.

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Faith shown in shows is not the same issue as the one here.

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Yes, kids are still firming up their identity. Normalization occurs with repeated exposure, which is a means of indoctrination. We can love all people without making their behavior normal.

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I agree ms.alicia. The indoctrination needs to stop or the ones doing it should face very hardh consequences. Leave the children alone.