BAN GMO ingredients in foods

GMO foods are perfectly healthy. There is no reason to ban them. THE REAL DANGERS are the COVID JAB that is not a vaccine but a GENE-ALTERING injection that has caused millions of horrific deaths and severe medical problems for people for the BENFIT of BIG PHARMA and corrupt government. ANOTHER horrific danger is the yearly “fly vaccine.” THOSE KILL MILLIONS, but people are in a twit about GMO foods? NOT the CANCER CAUSING DYES in our foods and the ingredients included in food that make people addicted to some if it brought to us by BIG TOBACCO and BIG AG?
GMO fear and trepidation? REALLY?
“Genetic modification is the science of replacing or adding genes from one organism to another to produce a beneficial result. Unlike selective breeding, which uses organisms that are very similar, genetic modification can use rather disparate plants and animals to get results. One example involves scientists who inserted daffodil and bacterial DNA into rice to give it a higher beta-carotene content. Daffodils and bacteria could never be cross-pollinated with rice using traditional breeding methods.
In places where food is scarce or difficult to grow, plants and animals can be modified to provide more nutrients and grow better under harsh conditions. Scientists have added vitamins and minerals to staples like rice and corn to fight malnourishment in underdeveloped countries. Plants are more drought-resistant and easier to grow. Many plants are designed to use less pesticides and chemicals to grow, which means less exposure to these potentially toxic substances for farmers and consumers.
Many GMOs are tailored for specific environmental conditions, which means saving water in drought-prone areas and less use of chemicals. Higher yields and more efficient growth mean that the same amount of food is produced on less land, using fewer natural resources. Plants and animals become resistant to certain environmentally specific pathogens and insects, which reduces the chance of losing a crop to disease.”
Moore, Nola. What Are The Positives Of GMO? last modified August 30, 2022. What Are The Positives Of GMO? | Sciencing

I completely agree with you…it is a bit “schizo” and unnatural for someone to claim on the one hand that “genetically-modified products are safe and healthy for you” and then a few sentences later, lament over all of the dead-Americans that were killed with purposely engineered gene altering products. It almost appears as if one who would start out a post, saying “GMO foods are perfectly healthy. There is no reason to ban them.” also knows that the strongest argument against that claim is exposed in the COVID PLANDEMIC event.

Even if all the gene-editing stopped now, and we only consumed the food that was already spliced together in the past 18 years, this would not satisfy these GMO fanatics. And they will continue to argue that "because the past 18 years didn’t show people falling off their dinner chairs thirty minutes after eating the garbage, that the resulting Franken-foods coming from this dangerous, radical, and abnormal gene-mixing of different and normally incompatible organisms should be safe to eat for the next 1000 years. You see? Would a “real” scientist use 18 years of data, of study groups consuming modified plant materials A, B, and C, to use as the basis of an argument that modified plant materials X, Y, and Z, to be created 10 years from now, are already presumed as “safe and healthy”, without even knowing what the hell would be stitched together in the latter sample? This sort of ‘thinking’ is neither deductive nor inductive reasoning…it is childish fantastical thinking. They are confusing the past GMO products being “safe” with the gene-splicing process itself as being “safe”, no matter what is spliced together. What is worse, they are completely ruling out that this gene-editing process CAN be used to kill millions over the long term (just like COVID was meant to do).

As well, they can’t seem to come to grips with the concept of “Death” as a “gradual process”. They seem to experience the death of others merely through their eyes…they cant imagine, for example, a liver being 30% dead in 10 years, and then 80% dead in 20 years – this sort of thinking is beyond them. Because nobody fell-dead on the floor in the past 18 years, with a handful of genetically modified spinach still in their hand – suddenly all and any GMO, for the rest of eternity, is suddenly ‘safe and healthy’. And they can’t see why others don’t wish to take the risk of eating unnatural foods created in a lab by someone who. only 20 years ago, was screaming and crapping in a diaper. They really feel like they are on some sort of Disneyland ride, on a mission from God, to save these ‘backwards people’ from their own stupidity for not wishing gene-altered-spliced-fused-edited-DNA-jumbled GMO Franken-garbage on their dinner plates. These people should not operate heavy machinery, I think.

They completely and implicitly trust the shadowy figure behind the gene-splicing equipment, as if them being the “Saint Mother Theresa of World Hunger and Famine” – really disgusting myopic and childish fanciful view of reality, they have. (Almost like children at Disneyland, captivated by the rides and the flashing lights, without once seeing the operators behind the rides, controlling what is being done).

And although some may keep pushing for GMO forever and a day, the average Jane and Joe do not need to be a scientist to apply the common sense that: If the process is banned for human consumption, the current risks for past gene-splicing are immediately held constant, but the future risks of unknown gene-splicing “accidents” that may cause long-term bodily harm, have been completely removed from the equation. Banning also bans future gene-splicing risks. It is quite simple.

Sometimes I wonder exactly why some people push so hard in forums to argue FOR a risky societal practice, with so little to personally gain from it…I mean…does one EVER sit down at the dinner table and chew his/her food ever-so-slowly, moaning about how ‘luciously sinful and delicious’ the genetically modified spinach tastes this evening?

Course , we can all understand why a GMO shill/troll, or a Satanist, or a Monsanto employee would do it, right? The continued desperation to sell genetically-modified materials to the public, with post after post, just makes others wonder what this person’s OCD-like personal and fanatical drive is behind the “safe and effective” postings, doesn’t it? Monsanto shareholder perhaps? Sicko on a mission from God? Who knows. I’m ignoring it and moving on…onward and upward… :wink:

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There’s no question that the Covid jab was gene therapy and needs to be banned which is a totally different topic and I believe has been addressed by others but I’m in 100% agreement big Pharma is one of our biggest adversaries and dangerous to the American people.

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They are unhealthy when ecoli is used in the protocol of modification. See the recent recall on organic carrots sold at whole foods trader Joe’s and many many other organic food retailers.
The use of bone mill and blood mill for fertilizer is part of this problem also
Tissue culture with GMO to combine positive outcomes is a grey area yes. I do agree with you there

the bio engineered chemicals are labeled, its not in the ingredients but listed on the back of the packages. you have to look for it. it is also in aldi and Whole Foods products. I have to read all labels before I buy because that chemical kills my stomach!

Sue, never misses, and continues to post gold.

Anne, I think you are confusing hybridization with GMO. One nature accepts and allows to pass, the other is forced by man… big difference!

Perhaps I am, David, and I will research that but studies have proven GMO food to be fine for people to eat, but thank you for that info. Very helpful.

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Thanks for the follow up Anne. I spent 40 years working in the medical device field. Believe me when I say; You can sponsor a study to “prove” anything you wish. It’s important to look at who is sponsoring the studies that you are referring to. Also, it should be noted that the long-term health affects (especially on the immune system or fertility) of the novel protein resulting from GMO foods remains an unknown, but what is more clear in the near-term is that glyphosate-based herbicides (e.g. Roundup) that are used heavily on GMO modified crops do bring serious health hazards including immune dysregulation, inflammation, endocrine disruption, hormone dysregulation and cancer.

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Scientific studies have found that GMO technology is not only safe and regulated—it also provides us with a farming tool that has positive environmental and social impacts.
GMO crop cultivation and utilization by farmers support food production, sustainability, and build social opportunities for farmers and food producers by ensuring crop yields. Many GMO crops grow better than their non-GMO counterparts under environmental stresses and are thus able to ward off crop diseases and pests.
GMO crops can grow with less water, energy and pesticides—all environmentally sustainable benefits.
The benefits of certain GMOs to the consumer became clear when findings from Iowa State University revealed that transgenic Bt corn had lower levels of mycotoxins than conventional corn. (Bt corn gets its name from the genetic modification it undergoes to introduce Bt toxin, a naturally occurring insecticide made by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, into it.) Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by fungi when they colonize crops such as corn, wheat, and peanuts, and can be very toxic to humans. For example, aflatoxin is a specific mycotoxin that can cause liver cancer.
Mycotoxins are in food supplies worldwide. We can’t completely eliminate them from our food, so the FDA regulates them in the U.S.: “For aflatoxins, 20 parts per billion are allowed in corn, peanuts and peanut products, as well as almonds and pistachios. That means 20 micrograms of aflatoxin for every kilogram of food, which isn’t much. However, there is a cumulative effect because the more you are exposed to any carcinogen, the greater the risk. Aflatoxin directly damages our DNA.
In studies done all over the world, Bt corn has lower levels of mycotoxins than conventional corn. In the U.S., that means that corn growers have economic benefits from planting Bt corn. In other parts of the world, where mycotoxins are not as strictly regulated, planting Bt corn could mean improved human and animal health. Aside from cancer, mycotoxins have also been associated with growth impairment in children.”

While the beta carotene in golden rice might not strike the average U.S. consumer as a strong enough incentive to explore GM foods and learn more about biotechnology, a lower risk of cancer and increasing the likelihood that children grow up healthy and strong just might.

“No food, GM or non-GM, is absolutely safe,” explained Robert Hollingworth, professor emeritus of the Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Entomology and Institute for Integrative Toxicology. “However, it is very close to the universal conclusion of every expert who has evaluated it, that the GM crops we have at the moment are as safe to consume as the standard crops that we have been consuming for years.”
GMO foods have been part of our food system for more than two decades. The GMO crops available in the U.S.—soybeans, corn (field and sweet), canola, cotton (used in cottonseed oil production), alfalfa, sugar beets, summer squash, papaya, apples and potatoes—are as safe and nutritious as their non-GMO counterparts. The science behind their safety has been evaluated extensively over the past 20 years, including an in-depth analysis performed by 50 scientists that worked on a 2016 report for more than two years.
Significantly, the subsequent report noted there are no adverse health effects linked to GMO crops.
To address directly some of the adverse health claims linked to GMO consumption, the report highlighted that there is no published evidence to support accusations or beliefs that consumption of genetically engineered foods can cause obesity, type 2 diabetes, food allergies or autism spectrum disorder—or that GMO foods generate unique gene or protein fragments that have the ability to induce health risks.

In addition to this monumental report, the safety of GMOs has been evaluated by national and international food safety authorities. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have ensured that GMOs are safe for human, plant and animal health.
More crops than you would imagine, in the supermarket today, were actually bred by mutagenesis. That is either treating the seeds with mutation-causing chemicals or blasting them with radiation,” said Hollingworth. “Ruby Red Grapefruit is an example and some of the barley strains that are used, even to produce organic beer, were produced in this way. It is quite common.”
Despite the extent of change caused by the mutation, mutagenesis is not classified as genetic engineering, and consequently, not subject to the same laws and regulations as GM foods. Even though the mutation can cause bigger changes to the genetics of the plant than the intentional changes achieved through genetic engineering.
The introduction of genetically modified crops and other developments in biotechnology have dramatically changed agriculture and food production in many parts of the world in recent decades. Some worry about possible health implications from these new practices, though that view is at odds with scientific consensus. A 2016 report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine highlighted a consensus among scientific experts in the United States that GM foods are safe. In 2019, an expert panel in Japan came to the same conclusion.

Eating fresh foods is preferable to eating processed foods, and fresh gmfs (or the nutritional derivatives from gmfs) are regularly and globally eaten in vast quantities without any proven side effects. Industrialized countries have been successful in producing ample sustenance for their populations from gmfs.

All manufactured edibles with a long shelf life—such as canned foods, soda pop, snack food, and other preserved comestibles—may have traces of carcinogenic substances that contribute to or facilitate carcinogenesis. Among the many compounds implicated are bisphenol A in the plastic linings of metal cans, benzopyrenes in barbecue, nitrites in delicatessen meats, carbon dioxide gas in soda pop, and saccharin in diet foods. These molecules are not derived from gmfs. All are dose-related, and all are acknowledged to be cancer promoters in abusively high doses.
Genetically engineered crops have been harvested for millennia. Retaining seeds from bumper crops is a time-honored agricultural tradition. Shoppers demand high-quality, pristine-looking fruits and vegetables, and wholesalers, distributors, traders, and retail sellers all demand that fresh products have a long shelf-life and spoil slowly. Consumers will not tolerate product blemishes, bruises, or minor defects when purchasing. Genetically modified crops consistently produce such items and improve the quantity and quality of harvests, safely and reliably feeding the public. Consequently, farmers resort to genetically modified seeds for harvests that provide abundant gmf yields.

Most gmfs are not consumed directly by the public; some 90% are targeted to industrial use, from which some food derivatives are made. An example is maize. Most maize is used for the industrial production of ethanol (as gasohol), the rest being diverted to manufacture other edibles such as fructose. Fructose is widely used as a sweetener in many manufactured foods and drinks.

No known deleterious health or ecological effects have emanated from the commercialization of genetically modified crops: “There is broad scientific consensus that genetically engineered crops currently on the market are safe to eat. After 14 years of cultivation and a cumulative total of 2 billion acres planted, *no adverse health or environmental effects have resulted from commercialization of genetically engineered crops. Millions of people have been eating gmfs, progressing and thriving in health for decades. Genetically engineered foods contribute enormously to the food supply and have stabilized markets while providing ample nutrition for all.

(wrong post - disregard)

David, you may not wish to dedicate too much more of your valuable “neuron time” after discovering that you are exchanging conversation with an unstable OCD GMO fanatic who simply copies text from the internet and pastes it here in this forum to give the ‘illusion’ of being an authority on GMO subject matter (for whatever obsessive and uncontrollable reason). Her real expertise is actually ‘word theft’. Evidence below…

Don’t waste your time. She is not talking “T0” you – she is slinging text “AT” you. Big difference here. The only real investment she is making in your ‘exchange with her’ is in the caolries of energy required to move the mouse from point A (copying text) to point B (pasting it in her forum comments) It would be more rewarding, talking with a AI bot. Hope that helps. :robot:

UPDATE: And the icing on the (genetically-altered and glyphosate-enriched) cake is this: The text that she is pasting into this forum comes from a non-profit GMO propaganda outfit funded by a Who’s Who of Deep State Food Industry members, as seen below:

At this point, her cover is blown, she has lost 100% “scientific credibility”, and is simply operating in the open as a GMO propaganda shill for these toxic Deep State food companies. Really disgusting – I hope she gets paid well for selling herself openly as she is doing. Her single goal for being in here was to sway public opinion on GMO consumption - and she failed spectacularly. Stick a fork in it ~ this (genetically-spliced) Franken-turkey is done. :fork_and_knife:

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Fact is that agrobacterium based lateral gene transfer (which is used to make GMOs) has been going on since bacteria first emerged on the scene. An examination of the genomes of thousands of plants has revealed the fingerprints natural genetic modification. Yes, humans have harnessed the process for their benefit, but at its heart it’s a natural process. Efforts to ban GMO’s are more built on ignorance & superstition than science.

And efforts t o promote lab-driven genetically-spliced disparate DNA sequences (that would occur practically 0.0000% of the time in Nature through hybridization in over a trillion year span) as natural and acceptable food sources, is more built on greed and profit rather than on forethought and common sense. :face_with_monocle:

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And this screed is a purely emotional torrent that is guilt by association without a single fact to support her point.

But the point was nevertheless conveyed, cold and calculating as it was presented.

I am certain that you will now reply with some lengthy diatribe using the debate tactic of an “appeal to authority”, while puffing yourself as a GMO genius, before reiterating your argument that GMOs are safe; however, I am not going to entertain you with it (since I already covered that in here). Perhaps you might convince everyone else that of your (soon-to-be) arguments are “appealing” to them (like solving world hunger or some sob African story) – and even convincing them to the extent that they will suddenly change their minds and start cheering baked GMO organisms for their personal Christmas Dinner table. Good luck! Have a nice day, dear. :laughing:

Always “greed & profit”, ignoring all the other motivations. Should we stop growing citrus due to Huanglongbing disease, or adopt a transgenic alternative following testing? Should we abandon growing papaya due to ringspot virus, or adopt a transgenic alternative? How about grains modified to require less water or tolerate increased salinity, which have the potential to reduce hunger in sub Sahara Africa? Like many things, biotechnology is a tool to address plant diseases and a changing climate with a lower chemical input.

the majority of what you stated here is false and propaganda.
GMO crops grow better than their non-GMO counterparts- This is actually impossible. Thank you though for your words.

GMO crops can grow with less water, energy and pesticides- They are constantly using their energy to keep the artificial traits turned on.
Think of it this way. You as a human encounter something stressful and you get a rush of adrenaline and you over come the stress and the adrenaline turns off. The GMO traits make the plants system live in a chronic state. The energy is always being used to keep it in a fight or flight state. the nonGMO doesnt have to worry about that and can put its energy towards yield. BT corn is horrible for the animals that ingest it as well. it destroys their guts. and in turn destroys the brains of the animals.

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