Ban Globalist Companies from Lobbying the Government

Ban companies who’s primary manufacturing facilities or Corporate location is outside the United States from financially lobbying or gifting any employee of the United States government.

Hold any government agency or employee and/or any corporation accountable if they are found guilty of violating the ban. For far too long, American corporations have been moving jobs over seas for cheaper labor, lower taxes and less accountability. This creates a system that corrupts the government and works against the American worker. This must end!

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I asked this same question to someone who said Lobbying should be illegal, which is similar to yours. How do you enforce this law? Whether it’s foreign lobbying is illegal, or all lobbying is illegal, how do you enforce it? It seems impossible.

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The simple answer would be to follow the money. Put tighter regulations on politicians once they are in office. Maybe use some of those new IRS agents the Biden administration hired to regulate politicians…