Ban Fluoride and Clean Our Water

Love this! Have you noticed there is not one comment here that says “Fluoride saved humanity, if you don’t agree with fluoridation you are an uneducated conspiracy theorist.” Why? Because there are no companies that sell the poison to the general public! Go look at the GMO threads- they are covered in troll comments. Anything that has to do with vaccines or GMO’s is blasted by bots who post unrelenting worship of the product and call those who question it ignorant. We need a forum that is free from corporate employees who are paid to promote their products online and attack the public.


Yeah this has taken way too long to catch on, I sincerely hope RFK and others come together to stop this and more when it comes to clean drinking water, proper real food, and more holistic methods of healing (not treating) folks medically.


Hydrofluorasilic acid (the “fluoride” they add to your water) is an industrial grade hazardous waste product generated by the air pollution-control wet scrubbing systems of the superphosphate fertilizer industry (example is Cargill Fertilizer).


The policy written should not only include the cleaning up of our drinking water, but reparations for us having to pay for the poison for years, drinking and bathing in it!
Supply every household with a whole house filtration system in the meantime.

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I’m not against clean water, per se, but wanted to make sure everybody understands that federal clean water standards are already in place. Every state has a water quality office that has primacy over this matter, and violations generally happen at the local level. The federal government only gets involved when local water districts blatantly violate the law and states botch their monitoring/enforcement actions (e.g. Flint, MI).

Federal law permits states to have more rigorously protective standards than the federal level. So for the most part, this is a state matter under the 10th Amendment.

Also, from a purely technical standpoint, it’s my understanding that water treatment technology simply isn’t advanced to the point where the list of things you want filtered out can happen.

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Clean water is fundamental to good health. Unfortunately, municipality water treatment plants and the best purifying systems are not enough. Due to:
(1) Heavy metal contamination-The water coming to your home through aging pipes may leach dissolved lead, iron, copper, cadmium, and other toxic heavy metals into your drinking water."
(2) The threat of viruses and bacteria: Communities across America suffer 240,000 water main breaks per year. - Info from

This means water filtration systems will need to be installed in homes, business, and schools. These things should be affordable and tax deductible- if not free. I could imagine clean water systems and maintenace bult into property taxes and serviced by city officials- oh look we just created more real jobs for real people that AI cannot do.


After decades of being obstructive, FDA needs a swift kick in the pants to stop the voluntary fluoridation of water. Our locals are too ignorant to take action on their own. PFAS needs to be filtered too. I know the FDA has already set PFAS standards and a schedule for implementation. But I listened in on a call and the host basically told all the stakeholders not to worry about compliance because they weren’t planning on going after them. They were focusing on going after the chemical companies like DuPont. FDA does not inspire any confidence in them.




I would extend this to removing fluoride from all toothpastes and other products.


Guessing others have covered this, but I would add to the original policy post to filter out plastics and herbicides (like glyphosate).


I have strong feeling about this one. Men’s testosterone levels have been dramatically dropping since hormonal birth control was put out for women to use. There is a direct correlation. We are drinking it, boiling food in it, showering, brushing out teeth all in that water. It makes HUGE changes in men and women, also causes infertility. Let’s get that cleaned up so we can reverse those effects and have everyone work back to what we used to have before. Balanced hormones in young people.


Fluoride is not good for people with thyroid conditions. There are actually a lot of people with hoshimotos and hyper or hypo thyroid issues. This would be great to take this out of the water.


Please add to that heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury, etc.

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I couldn’t agree more with your points, Nicholas. Fluoride, as you rightly mentioned, has no business being in our water supply, especially when we know it’s a neurotoxin. Its presence in municipal water supplies, despite the mounting evidence of its harm, is an ongoing injustice. Studies show that it negatively impacts children’s IQ and development, and this is compounded by its unproven effectiveness when ingested for dental health. To continue allowing it in our water is nothing short of reckless.

But the issue goes far beyond fluoride. As you’ve pointed out, we have widespread contamination in our water systems. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Tap Water Database paints a grim picture: thousands of toxic chemicals are routinely found in public water systems across the U.S., including pesticides, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. The average American is unknowingly exposed to over 300 contaminants in their drinking water. Some of these chemicals have been linked to serious health issues, including cancer, reproductive disorders, and hormone disruption. It’s alarming that these chemicals persist in our water, putting entire communities at risk.

Among the most troubling contaminants are hormonal pollutants, specifically synthetic estrogens from pharmaceuticals like birth control and hormone replacement therapies. Pesticides line Atrazine from agricultural farming. Even in trace amounts, these substances can lead to significant health consequences, including early puberty in children and disruptions to the endocrine system. What’s especially concerning is how disproportionately this issue affects women and children, populations that are far more sensitive to hormonal imbalances. The impact of these chemicals is not just hypothetical we are seeing real, measurable harm.

Additionally, we must acknowledge the alarming presence of pharmaceutical drugs in our water supplies. Traces of antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs are regularly detected in drinking water sources. This presents a dual problem: not only are we at risk of direct health consequences from these drugs, but we also face the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a looming public health crisis that could make infections much harder to treat in the future.

The situation has become untenable. Our basic right to clean, safe drinking water is being violated, and it is unacceptable. Municipal water treatment plants should be required to use advanced filtration systems like reverse osmosis, activated carbon, and others that effectively remove harmful chemicals. We should not be forced to buy bottled water to protect our health. Our government must prioritize the safety of the public by mandating stricter regulations on water quality.

What makes this even more urgent is the state of our natural water sources. You’re absolutely right in highlighting the shocking statistic that 96% of Michigan’s rivers are impaired under Part 303d of the DNR. This is a damning indictment of how poorly we’ve treated our most vital resources. The contamination at sites like the Rockford tannery, where PFAS were found at staggering levels of 1 million ppb, only underscores the extent of this problem. PFAS, which are linked to cancer, developmental issues, and hormone disruption, have no place in our environment. They are making their way into our drinking water, lakes, rivers, and even the fish we consume.

This is not just a Michigan problem it’s a nationwide crisis that demands action. We are seeing the very ecosystems that provide for our communities poisoned with chemicals that we know are harmful. The rivers, lakes, and groundwater are not just scenic backdrops they are lifelines. It is time to treat them with the respect they deserve and protect them from further degradation. The contamination of our water is not a natural disaster it’s the result of years of neglect, corporate greed, and weak regulatory enforcement.

It’s high time we hold both corporations and government agencies accountable for the pollution of our water supplies. We need stronger regulations, better monitoring, and more aggressive clean-up efforts. This should be a top priority at every level of government. If we want a future where our children and grandchildren can drink water without fear of contamination, we must act now.

Our collective health, the health of our ecosystems, and the survival of our communities depend on it. We cannot continue to ignore the gravity of this situation. The science is clear, and the evidence is irrefutable. Our water systems must be free from toxins, and it is up to all of us to demand action. Fluoride, pesticides, hormones, and PFAS they have no place in our water. It’s time to make our voices heard and demand change before it’s too late. Thank you everyone who is concerned thank you RFK JR for creating this platform our country needs this so bad.


Agree, the medications could be a serious issues from what I have read, but also the media and others pushing the wokeness down our throats. I’ve watched it with my little sister’s kids at school. Parents should be able to guide their children on what is right and wrong, but the government has turned it to where you are now a bad parent if you tell your child the truth.

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flint still dont have clean water

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Absolutely agree… ban it!

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As someone trained in chemistry and engineering, I 100% agree.


Not so fast. Flouride should be banned for sure. Not so sure about the Chlorine. If a good alternative can be found, fine, but it needs some further research. Until an anti-bacterial, anti-corrosive anti-viral anti-parasite anti-whatever agent can be found, each of us needs to assume responsibility for the quality of the water we consume. There are good products available to filter out the chlorine, etc for clean water for your home.

I would encourage adopting a new form of water filtration as well, the UK and other countries have adopted using UV style filtrations. Just saying out loud that we use chlorine to clean our water and we ultimately put a form of that in our bodies just sounds unhealthy

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