Ban censorship, including that practiced by this forum

I made one post, and this forum’s algorithm censored it. This is my second post. My first post was about pre registrr aation of sci entific studees.

Proposed policy: stop censorship, or all democratic exercises are meaningless. Do this on all platforms, and especially democratic proccesses like this forum is supposed to represent. There is nothing bad about my first post. It is a bipartisan issue that affects everyone in their daily lives even if they dont realize it. There should be no censorship of opinions or ideas on meta, x, msm. Let the people express their views without fear of retribution. Punish because of bad actions, not for words. And now im just trying to get to 500 characters.

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I just tried to make another policy post about the needed pre registraatiiion of sciieenttific studeez, and it got censored. I am so dissapointed by this forum. This is unreal.

Your spelling is atrocious. To be taken seriously, try spelling correctly. Maybe that’s why it was deleted.