Please listen to me, just a random 20 year old guy. Yes we should deport most illegal aliens but I know, not think that not all should be immediately deported. A portion of them are hard working and actually contribute to the economy. And contribute through temp agency’s that have to pay taxes. For an example I used to work at a place that employed them but through a temp agency. I know that they are just here to make more money than if they were in their own country so that they can provide for their family back home. They do not commit crimes they are just here to provide better for their family.
But here is what I propose. Depot them if they have committed a crime, and a real one not like 5+ speeding or something dumb. #2 If they have been working in the U.S for more than 6 months to a year or whatever you think is ok, and they can provide proof like paystubs. And of them sending money to there family back home. like through bitcoin then do not deport them or if they are just here for them selves just trying to do better in there life. Then grant them citizenship.
I know this will take more time but consider it.
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