When I was a child cigarettes and tobacco was freely advertised. They even sold them in vending machines. There were ads for the Marlboro Man, and I still have some items my mother got using Marlboro Miles.
She died of lung cancer directly caused from smoking in 2008.
What does this have to do with alcohol? If cigarettes are bad imagine just how much worse alcohol is. I can’t think of a single good thing that’s ever happened because of alcohol. It is just as bad if not worse than cigarettes, but because it’s so widely acceptable people don’t treat it the same.
They should. It should be illegal to advertise for alcohol the same way it is for cigarettes and tobacco products. There shouldn’t be any commercials or advertising campaigns. It shouldn’t the glorified. It shouldn’t be acceptable.
This is definitely an interesting take I never thought of. I’m sure some will disagree but I actually agree! I don’t think anything that commonly leads to addiction and negative health benefits should be advertised such as cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, etc.
Cigarettes kill the smoker directly as it did my mother. Alcohol kills the innocent. It destroys people’s entire lives. The drunk drivers. The abuse from alcoholics. The mental damage done from the innocents who have to see their loved ones go down that path. I lost two uncles due to alcohol. The really sad part is they tried to stop, but the physical addiction was just too strong. Deadly dangerously strong. Nicotine has no such withdrawals.
It’s common sense to me that the advertisement of such a product as alcohol should be banned. It’s worse than cigarettes. The only reason it wouldn’t be is because it’s so socially acceptable when it really shouldn’t be.
I agree! So many Americans are affected by alcoholism, yet it is pushed on them whenever they turn on the TV or drive down the street. When my husband got home from rehab I immediately realized how front and center alcohol is in society even though it negatively affects so many who struggle with it
I was going to create a similar post! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks alcohol advertising should be banned. Not only on TV but ads on social media as well!
Here are some Potential Public Health Outcomes of a Ban on Advertising Alcohol:
• “Potential Reduction in Alcohol Consumption: The absence of advertising might lead to a reduction in consumption, particularly among younger and more impressionable audiences. This could positively impact public health by reducing the exposure that encourages initial experimentation and excessive drinking.
• Less Glamorization of Alcohol: Without the influence of ads portraying alcohol as synonymous with fun, success, and social acceptance, public perception of alcohol might shift over time, potentially leading to more responsible drinking habits.”